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The Foundry NUKE

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Untitled. The original version of this article can be viewed here I was recently watching a demo of the Remove tool in Mocha Pro, which is a very powerful way of cleaning a foreground object out of the background of your plate.


My first thought was “I wonder if could build this in Nuke” and about 2 minutes later had figured out the technique I’m about to demonstrate. It’s a bit hacky and nowhere near as powerful as the Mocha tool, but gives us some of the same basic functionality. The common method of generating a cleanplate (if one hasn’t been shot) is to stabilise your shot, then take still frames from various frames in the footage where areas of the background are revealed and paint them together to remove the foreground.

Let’s say we have a shot like the one below. This would involve a lot of FrameHold nodes and painting through small sections at a time. So how can I make this quicker and easier? I then invert the alpha and premultiply the image. You can the source code here on GitHub. Your Source For Nuke Tutorials. 10 tips to optimising Nuke and creating efficient workflows - Written Tutorials. Keep every layer operation piping in to the B pipe stream (your main branch) - this means, among other benefits, you can dissable the merge and the image stream will still flow.

10 tips to optimising Nuke and creating efficient workflows - Written Tutorials

In terms of include/exclude mask ops like the popular in Shake 'inside' and 'outside' - you will have to get used to using 'mask' and 'stencil'. Make sure you are optimising your bounding box on any element you have in the comp. If the image is full frame, take care it doesn't grow larger (from blurs, transforms etc) than the full format, and if it smaller than full frame make sure you have a bounding box that sits tightly around the element. When merging it is important to chose the 'set bbox to' option that is the most optimised for what you are trying to achieve, with the goal of the smallest bbox possible as paramount. If it is a CG pass, your 3D department should be rendering exr's with bounding boxes built in, but if not then you can create them yourself. Previewing at lower resolutions / frame rates. 1. 2. 27 бесплатных источника для изучения Nuke by the Foundry.

Не смотря на то, что бесплатные уроки не очень хорошо влияют на продажи платных, для вас сделал подборочку полезного видеоматериала по Композитингу в Nuke.

27 бесплатных источника для изучения Nuke by the Foundry.

Все уроки бесплатны (и без регистраций), в HD качестве. Отсортированы в порядке полезности. Если мы пропустили что-то полезное — пишите в комментариях. Обязательно добавим. На русском: 1. (продублирован на оф. сайте ) 2.Уроки для начинающих от DneproMAN 3.Уроки от Skela (Интерфейс Nuke, The Foundry Nuke нода Keylight, The Foundry Nuke нода Ultimatte, Грубые маски и Primatte) 4.Урок Cinema 4d Export to Nuke 3D scene 5.CINEMA 4D, NUKE Refraction. Nuke Tracking and Rig Removal. I’ve been doing a lot of tracking recently in order to clean up some plates.

Nuke Tracking and Rig Removal

Most of my tracking in the last few months has been in After Effects and Mocha, but for various reasons I decided to play around in Nuke for a change. The following are a couple of useful how-to videos about tracking and clean-up using Nuke. In the first tutorial Fredrik Mannerfelt uses the technique of offsetting the footage slightly and using the offset footage to ‘paint out’ tracking markers. Successful use of this technique ideally requires that the tracking markers are small – relative to the shot – so that you don’t have to worry to much about shear or perspective changes in the markersthat the offset footage moves consistently with the marker that you are trying to replace (i.e. that they are largely co-planar), and that any lighting changes over the duration of the shot can be easily replicated A more complex tracking technique is demonstrated in Jed Smith’s tutorial.

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