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Real-Life Mirror's Edge Will Make You Scared of Heights.


In a Grove. "In a Grove" is an early modernist short story, as well as a blending of the modernist search for identity with themes from historic Japanese literature, and as such is perhaps the iconic work of Akutagawa's career.

In a Grove

It presents three varying accounts of the murder of a samurai, Kanazawa no Takehiro, whose corpse has been found in a bamboo forest near Kyoto. Each section simultaneously clarifies and obfuscates what the reader knows about the murder, eventually creating a complex and contradictory vision of events that brings into question humanity's ability or willingness to perceive and transmit objective truth. Plot summary[edit]

Finished Manga Series

LOTR. The Art of Complex Problem Solving. Architecture, Design and Vanguard. Richard Seymour: How beauty feels. Realm. Zukunft Spektakular.