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Créer un modèle de page d’erreur 404 pour WordPress. Une erreur 404 survient lorsqu’une page ou un article de votre blog est inaccessible. Avec WordPress, un simple fichier 404.php vous permettra d’optimiser cette fameuse page d’erreur dite 404 et ainsi augmenter le nombre de pages vues. A titre d’exemple, voici le message que vous obtenez sur WordPress Channel en cas de contenu inaccessible. C’est le message par défaut, guère très attractif pour vos visiteurs ; et encore moins explicite. Pour afficher ce type de page, il suffit d’indiquer un URL incorrect – par exemple à partir du permalien d’un article. Création du fichier 404.php Commencez par vous connecter sur votre serveur FTP – avec FileZilla ou CyberDuck par exemple, puis localisez le dossier /wp-content/NOM_DU_THEME/ A l’intérieur du dossier de votre thème, dupliquez le fichier page.php. N.B : si le fichier 404.php existe déjà, éditez-le !

Ouvrez donc le fichier dupliqué puis renommez-le 404.php. Éditez directement le code source pour y insérer des commandes PHP. Exemple de page 404 <? Why I created a WordPress theme framework. First, I should give a shout-out to Ian Stewart for pointing the concept of theme frameworks out to me. If it wasn’t for him, I’m not exactly sure what I’d be doing in terms of WordPress right now.

Although The Sandbox was probably the first real use of this idea (at least that I know of), it was Thematic that really pushed the limits. I liked Thematic and would’ve designed child themes for it, but I like my own coding style a bit more than Ian’s. Following his lead, I created the Hybrid theme framework. In this post, I’ll try to explain my reasoning behind this and address a few questions that have come up.

What is a theme framework? I’m going to answer this in terms of my own framework, which may differ slightly from others’ views. Comparisons Between Most Popular Theme Frameworks. This is a guest post from Dan Cole, who is currently developing his own theme called the Parallel Theme Developing a WordPress theme from the ground up is a big task.

Comparisons Between Most Popular Theme Frameworks

Sure it might not take long to throw up the basics, but there are a lot of small details that can go into a site. Frameworks are a tool to make developing a theme easier and quicker. Their not something that everyone needs to use, but it’s an option for people. However, getting going in this field can be confusing. Lets start out with the general terms and move inward. I would like to compare and contrast some of the most popular WordPress Frameworks and Base Themes. For people developing themes or interested, I would suggest thinking of themes like computers.

Hopefully this has answered most of your questions. Some theme frameworks were left out. Related Interview With Thord Daniel Hedengren How many of you are familiar with the name, Thord Daniel Hedengren? In "WordPress" Traduction WordPress : Hybrid 8.0.