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ABC News - Respected British Tibetan Monk Killed in SW China. Adevarul - Călugărul tibetan care a înfiinţat primul lăcaş de cult budist din Marea Britanie a fost ucis. Akong, în vârstă de 73 de ani, care a locuit în Marea Britanie încă din 1963, a fondat prima mănăstire budistă din Vest, care găzduieşte în jur de 60 de călugări. Potrivit unei declaraţii a forţelor de ordine din oraşul chinez Chengdu, Choje Akong Rinpoche, nepotul şi şoferul călugărului budist au fost omorâţi în timp ce se aflau într-o zonă rezidenţială.

Primele dovezi arată că cei trei suspecţi, toţi tibetani, i-au înjunghiat, disputa având loc din cauza banilor. „Corpul lui Rinpoche a fost dus la spital. Acestea sunt toate veştile pe care le ştiu momentan. Dacă o sa primesc veşti în continuare, vă anunţ”, se anunţă pe pagina de web Samye Ling. În ultimii ani, Rinpoche a creat nişte legături strânse cu guvernul chinez şi a putut să călătorească în ţară şi să supervizeze şcoli şi programe medicale create de fundaţia sa de caritate, ROKPA Foundation. Eskdalemuir monastery founder Akong Rinpoche killed in China. 8 October 2013Last updated at 13:00 ET Akong Rinpoche founded the Samye Ling Tibetan centre and monastery in 1967 A Tibetan monk who founded the first Buddhist monastery in the UK has been killed in south west China.

Dr Choje Akong Rinpoche set up the Samye Ling Tibetan centre in Dumfries and Galloway in 1967. A statement from police in the Chinese city of Chengdu said Choje Akong Rinpoche, his nephew and his driver were killed in a residential area. It said three suspects - all of whom were Tibetan - had stabbed the men to death in a dispute about money. The Chinese police said: "The three suspects have confessed to the crime and the case is still under investigation. " A statement on the official website of Tibetan Buddhist leader the Karmapa Lama said he was "shocked" by the news and offered his condolences to his family members and everyone at the monastery. "I hope that all of his visions and aspirations may continue to be fulfilled," he added.

Dumfries & Galloway Standard - UK monastery monk 'killed in China' Heartache as cop Atholl drops dead at the gym Texas (band) Former Lockerbie Academy pupil Atholl was found unconscious in the gym at the Hawera police station, New Zealand on Sunday night. Herald (Scotland) - Monk behind first Buddhist monastery in Scotland killed. Dr Choje Akong Rinpoche was stabbed along with his nephew and their driver in Chengdu, following what Chinese police are saying was a dispute over money. He was the abbot and director of the Samye Ling Monastery in Eskdalemuir, Dumfries and ­Galloway, Europe's biggest and oldest Tibetan religious centre.

Police in Chengdu say the ­killings took place in a residential area and three men, all Tibetans, have been arrested in connection with the deaths. A statement posted by his brother, Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, on the monastery's website said the victims had been "assassinated". It said: "To all dear friends of Samye Ling and Choje Akong Rinpoche, I am very, very sorry to inform you all that, tragically, my brother Choje Akong Rinpoche, my nephew and one monk who was travelling with them were all assassinated in Chengdu today.

"Rinpoche's body has been taken to hospital where a post-mortem will be carried out. "I hope that all of his visions and aspirations may continue to be fulfilled. " ITV - Tributes paid to killed monks | Border. Tributes have started coming in for one of the founders of the Samye Ling centre, Choje Akong Rinpoche, who has reportedly been killed in China. The head of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu Lineage sent this message: Akong Tulku has been my friend from the time I was seven. A social activist, he showed great kindness to Tibet by founding schools and hospitals, printing old texts, and helping many people. "Thus I am shocked to hear that he along with two others has been taken from us so suddenly.

. – The Gyalwang Karmapa, head of the 900-year-old Karma Kagyu Lineage In 1967 Akong Rinpoche and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche founded the first Tibetan Buddhist Centre in the west, the Kaygu Samye Ling centre. Samye Ling is home to a residential community of over 60 people, made up of both monastic and lay volunteers. Weather: Looking ahead A look ahead at the weather forecast for the next few days. One fifth of Lake District properties are second homes Guitars made for the rich and famous in Penrith. Radio Free Asia [RFA] - Lama Who Helped Spread Tibetan Buddhism to the West Murdered. Updated at 10:35 a.m. EST on 2013-10-09 Prominent Tibetan religious leader Choje Akong Rinpoche, who helped introduce Tibetan Buddhism to the West, has been murdered in a triple homicide case in China's Sichuan provincial capital Chengdu, his brother said Tuesday. Choje Akong Rinpoche, aged 73, had founded the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Britain in 1967 and later helped set up ROKPA International, a humanitarian organization that works principally in Tibet and Nepal.

"I am very, very sorry to inform you all that tragically, my brother Choje Akong Rinpoche, my nephew and one monk who was traveling with them, were all assassinated," a statement from Yeshe Rinpoche, the Abbot of the Samye Ling Monastery, said Tuesday on the website of the Scotland-based monastery which was founded by the late lama. Located in a valley on the banks of the river Esk in Scotland, the monastery was the first Tibetan Buddhist center to have been established in the West, according to the website. The Telegraph - Monk who founded first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in UK killed. The Telegraph (Scotland) - Founder of first Buddhist monastery in UK stabbed to death in China. Terra - Respetado monje británico es asesinado en China. 09 de octubre de 2013 • 12:17 AM Un conocido monje tibetano de Gran Bretaña fue asesinado a puñaladas en China por una disputa financiera y hay tres personas detenidas, informaron el miércoles las autoridades chinas.

La policía local indicó que tres tibetanos confrontaron el martes a Tarap Shetrup Akong en su casa en la ciudad de Chengdu, en el suroeste, y lo mataron a él, a su sobrino y a su chofer después de que las negociaciones se estropearon. La policía de Chengdu agregó que los detenidos admitieron los asesinatos y el caso sigue bajo investigación. La embajada británica no estaba disponible por el momento para hacer comentarios. Akong Rinpoche, quien fue nombrado así por su respetado estatus en la comunidad budista tibetana, cofundó el Monasterio Kagyu Samye Ling en Escocia. Mantuvo lazos políticos con Beijing y se reunió con el máximo líder chino en Londres en 2006. AP - The Associated Press. Este material no puede ser copiado, transmitido, reformado o redistribuido.

The Times - Scottish Buddhist leader killed in China.