Cross Intersection of Fintech and Insurance. Financial technologies, also termed as ‘FinTech’ innovations, are reshaping the services of financial services.
Innovation in technology leads to new opportunities, building space for new challenges for both the insurance industry and financial supervisors. FinTech has raised the level for the insurance industry. Customers are looking for more enhanced mobile experiences from all other financial services, as they receive from Google, Amazon, Apple, and other famous tech brands. What is Finance? Latest Trends, Updates, Blogs. What is Finance? Latest Trends, Updates, Blogs. Finance Latest Whitepapers Downloads for Free. What is Finance? Latest Trends, Updates, Blogs. Finance & Cost Management Latest News. Finance Latest News. Risk & Compliance Latest Whitepapers Downloads for Free. Cost Management Latest Whitepapers Downloads for Free.
Finance Latest Whitepapers Downloads for Free. Coronavirus: Can the Internet Survive Coronavirus Onslaught? The coronavirus pandemic has forced the world to self-isolate.
Social distancing is the new norm as people stay indoors, and world leaders call for shutdown of countries together. Large parts of various developed and developing nations are currently under lockdown to beat the highly contagious coronavirus. As millions of people work from home, children attend virtual classrooms, businesses are conducted through virtual meeting from drawing rooms, one thing is evident. Now is the Time for you to Know Everything About Cloud Computing. Did you know cloud computing has played a vital role in transforming CAPEX business models to OPEX business models in terms of IT?
Cloud computing has significantly managed to bring down IT expenses for organizations. Travelling back into time, you would be surprised to learn that cloud computing was the dream of every cyber-visionary during the 1990s. In recent times, perks such as reduced IT costs, zero maintenance, improved privacy, reduced downtime, and a lot more have made a large number of enterprises to switch to the cloud. Needless to say, cloud computing in the tech era is an extremely hot topic and the ones interested in it want to know everything about it.
Part II: Cloud Computing: There is Still a Lot that you Need to Know About Cloud. Welcome back!
And like I promised, here is the answer for the riddle in part I of cloud article. “Question: Did you know why Juan was not worried about cloud security? Answer: Because his data is so disorganized that no one would find anything ever.” The hype around cloud computing certainly makes our head spin, but before we get into the whirlwind of questions like whether to go for private, public, or hybrid cloud, let’s understand what the three have in store for businesses and then figure out what suits your business the best. So let’s get started. What are the different types of cloud services used by businesses? Public cloud Owned by third party cloud-service providers, public cloud computing is recognized as the most common method for deploying cloud computing and the platform is used to deliver services over the internet.
Advantages Lower costsZero maintenanceOn-demand servicesHigh reliability Private cloud. What is Mobility? How Does it Affect Enterprises? The capacity of any object to move or any object possessing a property of being easily movable is called mobility.
The world we know today is increasingly becoming wireless. The manner in which people are connecting together is becoming more and more dynamic. Devices are becoming wireless, there is no fixed place in which one can work. There’s no tying down of people with wires. Businesses are conducted by people miles away from each other. Enterprise mobility is an approach to work in which employees can do their jobs from anywhere using a variety of devices and applications. US May Push for Digital Economy as Part of COVID-19 Stimulus Plan. The United States Congress has made provisions for a ‘digital dollar’ in two draft bills.
The provisions have been made as part of a broader economic package to control the losses wreaked by the coronavirus. The bills have been named ‘Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act’ and the ‘Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act.’ The government, faced with the challenge to help the economy, industries, and common citizens from the ruinous effect of the coronavirus, has prepared a massive fiscal stimulus. The legislations call upon the Treasury to pay every US citizen affected by the coronavirus a disaster relief check. The payment for which has been proposed through digital dollars. All That You Need to Know About Network Demand. Understanding networks Individual computers provide opportunities for tremendous productivity gains, but they become many times more powerful when they’re connected to one another in data networks that give them the ability to share data and processing resources.
With a network, users can read and edit an evolving document from their own computer with minimal effort and coordination. Finance Latest Whitepapers Downloads for Free. Coronavirus: Brazilian Start-up Contributes to Coronavirus War with Rapid Development of COVID-19 Test. Microsoft Unveils New Windows Vulnerability That’s Being Actively Exploited. Highlights: The attacks have been in control so farMicrosoft might release a patch via the Update Tuesday traditionAs of now, the company advises disabling the Preview Pane and Details Pane in Windows Explorer as a temporary workaround Microsoft has announced the news of a new remote code execution vulnerability that is found in almost all supported versions of Microsoft Windows, and in the current situation, it is being exploited in “limited targeted attacks.”
This means, in case a hacker is successful at pulling off an attack, the threat actor could remotely run code or a malware on the victim’s device. The flaw basically has the Adobe Type Manager Library, which assists Windows render fonts. According to Microsoft, “There are multiple ways an attacker could exploit the vulnerability, such as convincing a user to open a specially crafted document or viewing it in the Windows Preview pane.”
Mathematically, the next update is due to be released on April 14 2020. Coronavirus: Free Recruiting Software Launched by JazzHR for Healthcare Hires During Global Pandemic. To overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, JazzHR, a recruiting software provider for small and medium-sized businesses, has decided to launch a cost-free healthcare recruiting software to provide essential care services.
Such steps were initiated to let organizations hire rapidly for critical roles to better serve their communities and decrease the spread of coronavirus. “JazzHR is committed to helping essential care providers keep our communities safe and healthy,” said JazzHR CEO Pete Lamson. “Healthcare workers on the frontlines provide critical services to fight this pandemic every single day. Coronavirus: Coronavirus Impacted SMBs to get free Enterprise App from Zoho. Zoho, a business-related application provider for customer service, marketing, and more, has made its product free during the coronavirus pandemic for all the impacted SMBs, according to a press release.
The Small Business Emergency Subscription Assistance Program (ESAP) is been launched by Zoho and will prove helpful to about 20,000 clients, which are Small-to-Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) with 25 employees or less. Zoho’s app will be available for free for about three months for these companies. Customer service applications, marketing, collaboration and production tools, back-office work and accounting are amongst few of the Zoho app features which will be available for free. Nvidia Aims at Harnessing GPU Power Globally to Fight Covid-19. At a time when the ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic are felt in every country, computer chip, and graphics creator Nvidia has urged gamers to share their processing speed to enable researchers working on COVID-19 get a cure faster. Technology to fight COVID-19 Nvidia is assisting biotechnology by making its Parabricks tool available online to anyone working on COVID-19 for free.
Parabricks Pipeline is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) – accelerated germline, or GPU-accelerated genome analysis toolkit. This Genome Assisted Tool Kit (GATK) reduces the time required to analyze a whole human genome from about 30 hours (BWA-GATK4) to 45 minutes on servers with 8 GPUs, while achieving the equivalent result as standard tools. Coronavirus: Zoom Dominates Microsoft, Google in Video Conference Arena amid COVID-19 Pandemic.
The coronavirus has upset the applecart. The high transmission, infection, and mortality rate of Covid-19 among humans has forced leaders to call for a shutdown at a global scale. Coronavirus Models Give Individual Hospitals an Idea About What to Expect in the Coming Weeks. Based on the reports by doctors in Italy on limiting ventilators for Coronavirus patients, and overburdened hospitals spread throughout Europe, data scientists have put efforts to build a mathematical model that will help hospitals forecast what they might face in the coming days or weeks basis the number of COVID-19 cases in their respective areas. The model primarily offered to administrators at the University of Pennsylvania hospitals illustrates how they could increase capacity within weeks. Penn data scientist Corey Chivers said, “The intention is to see what the capacity requirements for hospitalization, intensive care, and ventilators might be,” he added, “The more we can get a handle on whether capacity is too low for what an area can expect, the more a hospital system can take steps” to address that shortfall.
Coronavirus: Google Finally Launches the Coronavirus Website with Enhanced Search Results. More than a week ago, President Donald Trump at a press conference claimed that Google will be developing a screening website specific to the Coronavirus and would channel people to testing sites. Well, we did learn in time that it wasn’t true. However, Verily a sister concern venture of Google did launch such type of a site but it was launched only for the Bay Area, and apparently it was able to offer tests to a very tiny number of people in the area. Post which Google did assure that they would come up with a similar website, and after a short delay it is right here! Along with the website, Google will begin to provide improved information on the cards for people looking out for terms related to the novel Coronavirus. Coronavirus: A New App can Tell if One has Crossed Paths with a Person Infected with COVID-19.
An app called Private Kit: Safe paths developed by people at MIT and Harvard in collaboration with software engineers and tech giants, namely, Facebook and Uber, have done a marvellous job in their free time. Ramesh Raskar at MIT Media Lab who leads the team says, “Private Kit: Safe Paths is an app that tracks where you have been and who you have crossed paths with—and then shares this personal data with other users in a privacy-preserving way—could help curb the spread of COVID-19.”
Privacy concerns. Coronavirus: Attackers Resorting to Newer Ways of Cyber Scams. Coronavirus: The Coronavirus Effect on Google Ads and Affiliate Sales. Coronavirus: The Coronavirus Effect on Google Ads and Affiliate Sales. Coronavirus: A New App can Tell if One has Crossed Paths with a Person Infected with COVID-19. An app called Private Kit: Safe paths developed by people at MIT and Harvard in collaboration with software engineers and tech giants, namely, Facebook and Uber, have done a marvellous job in their free time.
Coronavirus: Attackers Resorting to Newer Ways of Cyber Scams. Coronavirus: How is Technology Tackling the New Virus Spread? And How Efficiently can it Prevent Future Epidemics? Beating Coronavirus: How can the Leaders Meet Slowdown with the Open Source Technology? McKinsey and amp; Co. analyzed the current economic situation and put forward three economic scenarios. Coronavirus: NYDFS Directed Cryptocurrency Firms to roll out Detailed COVID-19 Plan.