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HTML Mime Mail for PHP. FPDI - Import existing PDF document... Free PDF Document Importer FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF, which was developed by Olivier Plathey.

FPDI - Import existing PDF document...

Apart from a copy of FPDF, FPDI does not require any special PHP extensions. FPDI can also be used with TCPDF (6.x). FPDI is published under the MIT license as of version 1.6 (Versions before were released under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0). The usage is very easy: open the document, put a page into a template, and use it like an image! About FPDI is the first PHP/PDF script by Setasign. Back then we created a class called FPDF_TPL first, which adds a kind of template feature to FPDF.

Anyhow FpdfTpl is still part of FPDI and still offers many advantages: data of templates are included in a PDF document only once less memory usage less generation time smaller PDF files recursive template support (use of templates in templates) Examples of use: It's FREE! Miscellaneous. Downloads > Add-On. Index / Webinar / Zend. Elements. CakePHP : the rapid development php framework. CakePHP resources. Tutorials:flashing. Calling controller actions from cron and the co... This is a very simple tutorial that shows how you can modify the dispatcher to call controller actions from the command line and cron.

Calling controller actions from cron and the co...

On the Google Group there has been quite a few threads about the best way to run cron jobs when using CakePHP. This is something I had do for my one of projects and I figured out a very simple way to do it by modifying the dispatcher so controller actions - such as an action to send out a batch of emails - can be invoked from the command line. It's very simple. What you do is make a copy of index.php in /app/webroot/, call it cron_dispatcher.php and place it in /app. Scroll down in the code till you come to the line:- require CORE_PATH.' php cron_dispatcher.php /mailouts/send As you can see it's a very simple approach that doesn't break the MVC framework. Since you are invoking your cron jobs as controller actions it is possible for users to invoke the action from the site proper.

$this->layout = null; // turn off the layout // do something here } Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database [PHP & ... This article was written in 2003 and remains one of our most popular posts.

Storing Hierarchical Data in a Database [PHP & ...

If you’re keen to learn more about mastering database management, you may find this recent article on MySQL of great interest. Whether you want to build your own forum, publish the messages from a mailing list on your Website, or write your own cms: there will be a moment that you’ll want to store hierarchical data in a database. And, unless you’re using a XML-like database, tables aren’t hierarchical; they’re just a flat list. You’ll have to find a way to translate the hierarchy in a flat file. Storing trees is a common problem, with multiple solutions. In this article, we’ll explore these two methods of saving hierarchical data. This article contains a number of code examples that show how to save and retrieve data.

The first, and most elegant, approach we’ll try is called the ‘adjacency list model’ or the ‘recursion method’. As you can see, in the adjacency list method, you save the ‘parent’ of each node. <? <? Symlinking to svn copies. User Permissions and CakePHP ACL. Some ideas to organize your CSS files and autol...