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EEG Signal Processing for Dummies. EEG Signal Processing for Dummies As promised in my previous post about Event-Related Potentials, I will explain the basics and standard steps commonly used in the analysis of EEG signals. There is a lot of literature and many concepts are involved in the field of EEG signal processing, and some of them can get very technical and difficult. That is why my aim in this post is to try to give a general overview of the different concepts without getting into too much detail. Figure 1: Basic steps applied in EEG data analysis 1. As we can see from figure 1, the first thing we need is some raw EEG data to process. 2. The next step could be considered the most important one: feature extraction. There are other feature extraction methods that are worth mentioning, such as EEG tomography, that allows us to compute the regions inside the brain that are active (applying the so-called inverse-problem approach).

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