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Take Twitter campaigns to the next level with SEO data. You drive amazing amounts of traffic to your sites, grow conversions and engage with thousands of users over social media. Want to take your search and social efforts to the next level? Try forming a Social-SEO super group to exploit synergies, foster collaboration and deliver better results across Social and SEO. Integrating your online marketing efforts is all about breaking down silos and delivering amazing results for brands and agencies.

Social and SEO marketers can be a big part of this. As marketers, our ultimate aim is to have one marketing super group with PPC, SEO, Social and Display working together seamlessly. Today though, let me focus on how you can leverage SEO data and build your own SEO-Social super group. I will use Twitter as an example to show how the SEO-Social super group works together. Aligning Your SEO & Social Teams Now, let us look at the SEO side. How To Create Your SEO & Social Super Group Step 1 – Think Keywords SEOs know keywords.

Now start collecting the data: Tutti i dati indispensabili per scrivere tweet perfetti [INFOGRAFICA] Tutte le informazioni indispensabili per scrivere contenuti efficaci su Twitter Twitter è sicuramente uno dei social network più interessanti del momento, anche per i brand e le aziende. Una delle cose più difficili da fare sul social, però, è sicuramente scrivere contenuti impattanti, coinvolgenti e virali, che sappiano raggiungere e interessare i follower diffondendosi in rete. Per aiutarvi nell’arduo compito e potenziare il personal/company brand 2.0, ecco un’utilissima inforgrafica di Fusework Studios contenente dati e informazioni a riguardo: timing di pubblicazione, tipo e lunghezza del contenuto ideale, hashtag e altro ancora. Happy tweeting! Add Interactivity To Your Twitter Pictures With New Service.

Twitter Chat Schedule. Ten Painless Tactics To Earn Attention On Twitter - Whiteboard Friday. Twitter is similar to passing signs at full speed on the highway. How do you get your signs (tweets) noticed and read? How can your profile stand out from the rest? For many, Twitter can be a fun and exciting, yet illusive and challenging social media platform. This Whiteboard Friday (to be followed by a Whiteboard Plus and Moz YouTube post) includes ten Twitter tactics for you to put to good use. Watch as Dan Shure explains how to earn Twtitter attention with ten totally-actionable, Twitter-riffic tips you can use to get people to notice you in the most fast-paced social media platform in the world. These can all apply to individuals or brands. Also, check out the next two videos in this series focusing on how to grow your audience and driving action. Hey, everyone, welcome to Whiteboard Friday.