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Come programmare i post su Google+ Questa mattina, a caccia di novità in rete, ho scoperto Do Share, un’estensione per Chrome capace di schedulare i post su Google+, esattamente come è possibile fare su Facebook e Twitter con applicazioni o servizi come Hootsuite.

Come programmare i post su Google+

Chi ha visto le API di Google+ sa perfettamente che non è possibile accedere al social network in scrittura, ma solo in lettura, per cui risulta impossibile postare e quindi programmare un post. Ma se avete seguito le news, saprete benissimo che servizi come Hootsuite, tanto per citarne uno, sono stati selezionati per offrire questa possibilità ad alcuni fortunati utenti. Per noi era quindi impossibile, sino ad oggi, schedulare un post su Google+. Ora le cosa cambiano, poiché è da poco arrivata questa estensione che ci permette di programmare i nostri post su Google+, in modo da pubblicarli quando vogliamo. E’ richiesta solo una connessione ad Internet attiva ed ovviamente Chrome come browser, con l’estensione installata. Here’s What A Piece Of Viral News Looks Like As It Makes Its Way To Google+ Explore. The No. 1 thing about the Internet that fascinates me is the fact that information can travel at the speed of light.

Here’s What A Piece Of Viral News Looks Like As It Makes Its Way To Google+ Explore

One moment, something can happen in one part of the world, and seconds later, someone on the opposite side of the world can know about it. That is absolutely epic in my opinion. Be it a video, link or tweet, things travel quickly, but we rarely see how they travel. We know the “why,” but it’s the how that is the really important part. Any sub-genius can figure out why a video of a cat falling off of a TV can go viral, but how did it get to that point? When you’re on Google+, desktop or mobile, there’s a section called “Explore” where all of the popular content sits. The nice part about this popular content is that you can see how it got popular by using the Google+ “Ripple” feature: Once you dive into the Ripple for a post, you can see where it originated from and the flow of shares and comments that propelled it to Explore. Here’s a deeper look: How to Prepare for AuthorRank and Get the Jump on Google.

What Author Rank Is If you're like me and you have your finger on Google’s pulse on a daily basis, you’ve undoubtedly heard of Author Rank.

How to Prepare for AuthorRank and Get the Jump on Google

However, I honestly don’t think it’s received its due attention and if you were AFK for a few days or don’t have the option to be “jacked into the feed”, you may have missed it entirely. Over seven years ago (in August of 2005), Google filed a patent for “Agent Rank” which was later masterfully decoded by Bill Slawski. In the patent, Googler David Minogue references ranking “agents” and using the reception of the content they create and their interactions as a factor in determining their rank.

The patent suggests that more well-received and popular “agents” could have their associated content rank higher than unsigned content or the content of other less-authoritative “agents”. Nothing much happened with Agent Rank after that because the idea of ranking “agents” is dependent on being able to identify them in the first place. 10 Dead Simple Tips to Take Advantage of Google+ for SEO. Google+ Marketing: Why Marketers Should Not Overlook Google+

Have you given up on Google+?

Google+ Marketing: Why Marketers Should Not Overlook Google+

Are you wondering whether it is worth managing yet another social network? To address some of the benefits and misconceptions of Google+ marketing, I interview Jesse Stay for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). In this episode, I interview Jesse Stay, author of several books including Google+ for Dummies and Google+ Marketing for Dummies. You’ll learn what’s critical for a successful approach to your Google+ marketing and why Google+ may be essential to your business even if you don’t think so now. Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below!

Listen Now Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed. Tutte le ultime novità di Google+ Google+ continua a evolversi.

Tutte le ultime novità di Google+

Lo fa con una serie di novità interessanti, rilasciate nel corso degli ultimi giorni. Vediamole insieme, tutte. 3 nuovi badge Sulla parte destra di Google+ sono apparsi tre nuovi badge. Il primo riguarda gli eventi e invita alla creazione e alla condivisione delle foto su un unico posto. Il secondo appare nelle Pagine d invita a condividere la pagina per farla conoscere. Il terzo lo troviamo nelle pagine Local: l’invito è quello di creare un evento per passare una serata in compagnia con gli amici (avevamo già visto questo aspetto con Arturo Salerno, il quale ci ha parlato dell’utilizzo degli eventi per le attività locali).