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Facebook Twitter Sutarve handelsträdgård, pelargoner, pelargon, samlarpelargoner, stånga, gotland. GeraniumsOnline. By Wayne Handlos, Ph.D.


P. zonale flower P. frutetorum flower Plant lovers (or plantaholics, if you prefer) always seem to be looking for something new and different. Sometimes, it’s just something new to them, or sometimes, it’s something new under the sun. Prime objective. White, red, lavender and pink flowers have been prized. New variants of plants can arise in a number of ways. And give rise to new characteristics. By bees or other insect pollinators visiting different flowers in their relentless hunt for nectar and pollen. Away from their native habitats in South Africa, Pelargoniums were subjected to the activities of the bees and insects of Europe. Some bees are very consistent in which flowers they visit, other bees are just looking for a source of nectar or pollen – and almost any flower will do.

Offspring would be produced. Hybrid offspring are frequently intermediate in appearance between their two parents; in any case, such offspring are likely to be. Geraniaceae, Geranium Family, Geranium, Pelargonium information, studies, photographs, reseimages, photos, Regal Geraniums, Regal Pelargonium flowers. Pelargonium Species One. Pelargoniums. Pelargoniums De familie van de Pelargoniums omvat zo'n 200 soorten, waarvan de meeste uit zuidelijk Afrika afkomstig zijn.


De honderden variëteiten van Pelargoniums (of 'Geraniums' zoals de meeste mensen nog steeds zeggen) die onze perken, bakken en potten bevolken, stammen echter allemaal af van slechts 2 of 3 van deze soorten. Dat wil echter niet zeggen dat er onder de overige 197 geen zouden zitten die het aanzien waard zijn. Formosumhybrids. Formosumhybrids Annette Andersson, Sweden The quest for information about formosum hybrids or so-called finger Pelargonium has not been easy.


There is not much information available about them. I picked up most of the information about this group of pelargoniums from Faye Brawners Geranium book, The Complete Encyclopedia, but also older parts of the IGS journal Geranium Around the World and a lot of e-mails around the world. In addition, I have been in contact with the breeder Charles Heidgen in the U.S. who straightened out a number of questions surrounding this group of varieties. The American breeder Milton Arndt drew attention to a peculiar geranium in flower boxes at a hotel he visited in Mexico during the 1950s.

Since they had no name on the plant, it became known as 'Formosum'. Герань - Pelargonium - Пеларгония. Pelargoniums are back - Garden & Outdoor, Lifestyle. 08 Mar 2006 If you are looking for colour and fragrance, want to save water and don't have much time to work in the garden, you need to join the pelargonium fan club – Grandma's old favourites have become fashionable once more.

Pelargoniums are back - Garden & Outdoor, Lifestyle

By Anna Celliers In days gone by people knew pelargoniums as the scraggly plants that Grandma grew in jam tins on the verandah, often calling them geraniums. Today, some of these old favourites are boasting a fashionable new look, and there's an abundance of new varieties. These days, pelargoniums are lush creepers that cascade over the sides of baskets and pots. Choose the right varietyThe Pelargonium plant family, of which many plants are indigenous, is an extended family that includes many different characteristics and growth habits. Ideas for planting pelargoniumsAll over the world one sees window boxes and hanging baskets displaying tumbling pelargoniums. Pellisblogg. Pelargon vänner, Lapptäcke finner du här Jag är medlem i Mälardalens Pelargonvänner Pelargonsällskapet och Pelargonwebbringen Pelargonmuseum med Nationalsamling i Bodafors Länk till där jag skriver om Rotlöss Pelargonfröer Vill du ha en av mina skrivbordsbilder?


Klicka på den så öppnas den stort, spara ner den på din dator någonstans där du hittar den sedan. Stäng alla fönster, högerklicka sedan på ( skrivbordet) din dataskärm, välj Egenskaper och Skrivbord. Bläddra och leta på bilden och klicka på OK. Nu har du bytt skrivbordsbild! Nytt år nya planer! 17/6 2010 Man ska aldrig säga aldrig! Att sluta med mina pelargoner gick om intet när vårsolen lyste och kataloger och Tradera fylldes med sticklingar -:) Nu är nytt växthus beställt och ett antal pelargoner står lite överallt i väntan på att få flytta in där.

PERFECT PELARGONIUMS: October 2010. A few years ago Ken Attfield of Australia sent me some of his pelargonium seeds.


With great excitement I sowed some of them and watched these tiny seeds from across the world grow into pelargoniums. It is always exciting growing seeds from pelargoniums, but I had no idea what I was growing. Many of them were fairly ordinary and very similar to others we have here. Three I thought different and kept them. One was a miniature stellar, with which I won a second place in the Farnborough Fuchsia & Pelargonium Show a couple of years ago and named it Charmay Pink Ice. The third was a lovely gold leaf with single pink flowers with a white eye. I hope that one of the nurseries will release it - it really is a lovely plant and the pink compliments the gold leaves beautifully.

I've still got some of the seeds so will be sowing some more in the spring. I had to go up to the Midlands on Saturday for a PAGS meeting, so was gone all day and back late. How to propagate pelargoniums from cuttings. One of the wonderful things about pelargoniums is that they are so easy to propagate. it can be done by seeds if you're looking at growing species or F1 cultivars but the easiest way - and the only way for most cultivars - is by taking cuttings. here's how to do it: for cuttings you'll need to use a neutral soil - same as you'd use for seeds or any other cutting. some people prefer to use only this in the beginning and then mix it later but i use mixed soil from the beginning to make sure there will be drainage right the core of the root system. i mix one half growing soil with another half of leca and coarse sand. the leca needs to be the smallest size, 2-4 mm, and if you can't get your hands on that then stick with sand. i buy the sand in a pet shop, the kind used for birds is sterilized and therefore perfect. otherwise you can use a mix of beach sand and gravel and then sterilize it by baking it in the oven!

how to propagate pelargoniums from cuttings

Stora Hyttnäs. Twins Pelargonium. Pelargonium photos. Geraniums Especies. Sólo lectura. - Página 14. Geraniums Especies. Sólo lectura. - Página 15. Geraniums Especies. Sólo lectura. - Página 13. Garden World Images - Search - Pelargonium. Producteur de pelargoniums geraniums de collection createur. Pelargonium. History[edit] Structure[edit] Pelargonium leaves are usually alternate, and palmately lobed or pinnate, often on long stalks, and sometimes with light or dark patterns.


The erect stems bear five-petaled flowers in umbel-like clusters called pseudoumbels. The flower has a single symmetry plane (zygomorphic), which distinguishes it from the Geranium flower, which has radial symmetry (actinomorphic). The leaves of Pelargonium peltatum, Ivy-leaved Geranium, have a thick cuticle better adapting them for drought tolerance.[4] Distribution[edit] Pelargonium species are native to southern Africa and Australia, and the north of New Zealand. Cultivation[edit] Despite not being frost-hardy, pelargoniums are extremely easy to grow and to propagate. Species, cultivars and hybrids[edit] Regal group: Karl Offenstein. Geraniaceae, Geranium Family, Geranium, Pelargonium information, studies, photographs, research, gardening advice, events, geranium art, music, garden poetry.

Pelargonium - Geranium. Pelargonium species. Velkommen til pelargoniasiden. Growing Geraniums Growing Ivy Geraniums. Hybridizing with Pelargonium species. Smukke Pelargoner. Mälardalens pelargonvänner. Svenska Pelargonsällskapet.