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Sofia Jupither / 20 November

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Sofia Jupither. Sofia Katarina Jupither, född Sjöberg 21 mars 1974 i Göteborg, är en svensk regissör.

Sofia Jupither

Biografi[redigera | redigera wikitext] Sofia Jupither är uppvuxen i Stockholm och är återkommande verksam som regissör vid bland annat Dramaten, Stockholms Stadsteater och Nationaltheatret i Oslo. Hon regidebuterade vid Helsingborgs Stadsteater 2001 med Besök av Jon Fosse, en dramatiker hon satt upp ett flertal verk av, däribland Flickan i soffan på Stockholms stadsteater året därpå och urpremiären av Svevn på Nationaltheatret i Oslo 2005. Sven sändes även av NRK och renderade henne Heddaprisen 2006 för "Bästa regi". På Oslo-scenen har hon bland annat också satt upp Glasmenageriet av Tennessee Williams, Måsen av Anton Tjechov och Ett drömspel av August Strindberg.

Samhällsdebatt[redigera | redigera wikitext] Egen teater[redigera | redigera wikitext] Privatliv[redigera | redigera wikitext] Sofia Jupither var 2002–2011 gift med operasångaren Marcus Jupither. Sofia Jupither. Sofia Jupither a débuté comme metteur en scène en 2001 avec Visites de Jon Fosse au Stadsteater d'Helsingborg.

Sofia Jupither

Elle a poursuivi avec des pièces comme La Fille sur le sofa au Stadsteater de Stockholm en 2002 et Le Chemin de Damas au Strindbergs Intima Teater en 2003. Sofia Jupither. Sofia Jupither (born 1974) is a Swedish theatre director.

Sofia Jupither

Sofia Jupither was born in Gothenburg, but grew up in Sollentuna outside of Stockholm. She chose the theatre direction at upper secondary school, and next she studied at Stockholm University. In 1996 she began working as a director's assistant, first at The Royal Dramatic Theatre and then for five years at Stockholm City Theatre, where she worked with directors as different as Lena Söderblom, Rikard Günther, Staffan Aspegren and Göran Stangertz. Sofia Jupither made her debut as a director in 2001, with the Scandinavian opening of Jon Fosse's Visits at Helsinki City Theatre.

Her first Stockholm production was also with Jon Fosse, now with The Girl on the Sofa at Stockholm City Theatre. For Rogaland Theatre she has directed Ibsen's The Wild Duck (2006). In 2013 she directed her first opera, Richard Strauss' Salome for The Royal Opera House in Stockholm. La pièce "20 novembre", présentée à Avignon, fait cruellement écho à l'actualité - Le Parisien. Lars Noren met à nu, jusqu’à l’os, la violence sociale et individuelle.

LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Brigitte Salino (Avignon - envoyée spéciale) Un jeune homme s’apprête à commettre un attentat.

Lars Noren met à nu, jusqu’à l’os, la violence sociale et individuelle

Avant, il se filme pour expliquer ses raisons, et il poste la vidéo sur Internet, parce qu’il veut que son visage soit connu de tous. Ce jeune homme, c’est Sebastian Bosse, l’Allemand de 18 ans qui, le 20 novembre 2006, a tué sept personnes devant son école, à Emsdetten, en Westphalie, avant de se suicider. [Festival d'Avignon] Sofia Jupither nous fait entrer dans la tête de Sebastian Bosse.

Défi intellectuel de taille, « Revolt » déconstruit avec brio et audace les mécanismes de domination de la femme par l’homme.

[Festival d'Avignon] Sofia Jupither nous fait entrer dans la tête de Sebastian Bosse

Révolte jouissive et rock 'n' roll contre l’oppression symbolique du genre féminin en son corps, dans l’amour et au travail, la pièce porte haut son nom. Jupither Josephssoon Theatre Company. Jupither Josephsson Theatre Company is an independent performing arts company.

Jupither Josephssoon Theatre Company

The company’s aim is to create artistic cutting-edge productions with a clear contemporary profile that strengthens the collaborations with theatres and festivals in Sweden and Europe. In today’s society, it’s more important than ever to interact over our national borders and to recognize that we all face similar challenges. Jupither Josephsson Theatre Company, will produce significant performing art of highest quality with contemporary European and Swedish drama focusing on living in Europe today. aim to combine a strong visual narrative on a high artistic level with a passionate commitment in the world around us.believe in art’s power to create an understanding of our existence from new perspectiveswill through the continued coproduction with theatres in Sweden and Europe constantly develop artistically and together with our audiences.

The Tiger – A European Mockumentary An average European town. Jupither Josephsson Theatre Company. Jupither Josephsson (@JupitherJ) The Committee. The Committee: (from the left) Hanne Tømta, Dr.

The Committee

Thomas Oberender, Julie Holledge, Per Boye Hansen, Roman Dolzhanskiy, Stephan Braunschweig and Sofia Jupither. The new committee for The International Ibsen Award was appointed in 2015 and consists of three new members as well as four members from the former committee. The 2015-2016 committe decides the winner of the International Ibsen Award 2016. The three new members are Swedish director Sofia Jupither, Australian scholar Julie Holledge and French director Stephan Braunschweig. Sofia Jupither, Julie Holledge and Stephan Braunschweig are persons with a unique competence and experience within the international theatre community. The deciding committee for The International Ibsen Award consists of senior figures within theatre, appointed by the Norwegian ministry of culture.