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Panikatak, depresyon, panik bozukluk. BİPOLAR BOZUKLUK (MANİK-DEPRESİF HASTALIK), bİpolar bozukluk (manİk-depresİf hastalik), BİPOLAR BOZUKLUK (MANİK-DEPRESİF HASTALIK) The Biologic Basis of Bipolar Disorder. (home) The Biologic Basis of Bipolar Disorder (start) Chapter 2: Brain Differences Summary:This is a hard chapter. If there are any in this series of five chapters you might wish to skip, this would probably be it. The others lead more directly to implications for treatment. The bottom line: psychiatry is making progress. Link to Chapter 3: The central role of the biological clock Differences in size First the good news: many of the differences in brain size which have been shown in many studies of patients with mood problems can be reversed at least in part with effective treatment. Although it has taken years to be certain, because not all studies have shown the same results, there is now fairly good agreement that the frontal cortex (which is associated with decision-making and controlling impulsive behavior) shrinks in size when bipolar disorder is allowed to progress.

Differences in Function: Facial Recognition Tasks Making quick decisions about emotional matters. Пограничное расстройство личности. Пограни́чное расстро́йство ли́чности (эмоциона́льно неусто́йчивое расстро́йство ли́чности, пограни́чный тип) — расстройство личности, характеризующееся импульсивностью, низким самоконтролем, эмоциональной неустойчивостью, нестабильной связью с реальностью, высокой тревожностью и сильным уровнем десоциализации. Включено в DSM-IV и в МКБ-10 (в последнем считается подвидом эмоционально неустойчивого расстройства личности).

Классификация этого явления как самостоятельного расстройства личности носит спорный характер. Своим появлением данный термин, по всей видимости, обязан усилиям ряда крупных американских психологов в период примерно с 1968 по 1980 год, итогом которых стало включение пограничного типа личности в DSM-III, что несомненно повлияло и на его появление, в конечном итоге, в МКБ-10. Статистические данные[править | править исходный текст] Важным признаком расстройства является суицидное или самоповреждающее поведение, процент завершенных суицидов порядка 8-10 %. GENEL ÖZELLİKLERİ | BİPOLAR BOZUKLUK - Çocuklar, ergenler, kadınlar ve erkekler için psikolojik ve psikiyatrik destek burada... Anasayfa » BİPOLAR BOZUKLUK Manik depresif hastalık, İki uçlu Bozukluk ve Bipolar Bozukluk adlarıyla da bilinir. Bireyin duygudurumunda, enerjisinde ve işlevselliğinde alışık olmadık düzeyde dalgalanmalara neden olan bir psikiyatrik hastalıktır. Herkesin yaşadığı normal duygusal iniş çıkışlardan farklı bir şekilde bipolar bozukluğn belirtileri ağırdır.

İlişkileri olumsuz yönde etkiler, iş ve okul performansında kötüleşmeye ve hatta intihara yönelmeye neden olabilir. Fakat iyi olan şudur ki, bipolar bozukluk tedavi edilebilir, kontrol altında tutulabilir ve bu hastalığı olanlar herkes gibi üretken bir yaşantı sürdürebilirler. Bipolar I bozukluğunun (BB) yaşam boyu yaygınlığı %1 dolayındadır. Hasta canlı, aşırı hareketli, renkli giyinmiş, konuşkan ve coşkuludur. Düşünce akışı (çağrışımlar) hızlanmıştır. Coşku, aşırı neşe, zaman zaman da öfke egemendir. Uyku ileri derecede bozulur. Asperger syndrome. Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger disorder (AD) or simply Asperger's, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical (peculiar, odd) use of language are frequently reported.[1][2] The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, studied and described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy.[3] The modern conception of Asperger syndrome came into existence in 1981[4] and went through a period of popularization,[5][6] becoming standardized as a diagnosis in the early 1990s.

Classification Causes. What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder? What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe. They are different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through from time to time. Bipolar disorder symptoms can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. Bipolar disorder often appears in the late teens or early adult years. Bipolar disorder is not easy to spot when it starts. What are the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder? People with bipolar disorder experience unusually intense emotional states that occur in distinct periods called "mood episodes. " Symptoms of bipolar disorder are described below. Bipolar disorder can be present even when mood swings are less extreme. How is bipolar disorder diagnosed?

Bipolar disorder usually lasts a lifetime. 1. Genetics Medications Psychotherapy. Flight of ideas - 10 Subtle Signs of Bipolar Disorder. Kendi Kendinize Çift Kutuplu (Bipolar) Bozukluk Testi. Çift kutuplu bozukluğun belirtileri diğer zihinsel rahatsızlıklara çok benzediğinden ve hastalar bir seferde birden fazla rahatsızlıktan dertli olabildiklerinden çift kutuplu bozukluğu teşhis etmenin çok zor olduğu düşünülür.

Şimdilik çift kutuplu bozukluğu tespit veya teyit edecek kan testleri veya beyin görüntüleme gibi özellikli tanısal testler yoktur. Doktorunuz belirtinizin çift kutuplu bozukluktan mı kaynaklandığına karar vermek için çeşitli yaklaşımlar kullanacaktır. Tıbbi sağlık geçmişinizi doktorunuzla ayrıntılı bir şekilde görüşün. Çift kutuplu bozukluğun semptomları, örneğin duygu durumu çalkantıları ve davranış değişiklikleri döngüsel olarak gelebileceğinden bu belirtlerle ilgili geçmiş deneyimlerinizi ayrıntılı olarak incelemek gereklidir. Doktorunuzla ailenizin depresyon ve zihinsel rahatsızlık geçmişini inceleyin.

Uyku düzeninizdeki değişiklikleri izleyin, özellikle uykusuzluğa rağmen aşırı enerjiniz varsa. Biraz araştırma yapın. Kendinizi eğitin. Hislerinizi kaydedin. Bipolar Bozukluk Nasıl Tedavi Edilir? / Aktüel Psikoloji. Bipolar bozukluk ne zaman başlar? Bipolar bozukluk ne kadar sıklıkta görülür? Hastalık nasıl seyreder? Bipolar bozukluğun nedeni nedir? Bipolar bozukluk genetik, yani kalıtsal mıdır? İşte Cevaplar ÖNEMLİ - Bu çalışma manik depresif hastalık, iki uçlu ya da iki kutuplu "duygudurum" bozukluğu olarak da adlandırılan bozukluk hakkında hasta ve ailelerine bilgi vermek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Doç. Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı Affektif Hastalıklar Birimi Günlük yaşamda herkesin duygusal dünyasında inişler-çıkışlar olur.

Reklam Bipolar Bozukluk İçin Psikolojik Destek Merkezi APAMER Psikolojik Danışmanlık Merkezi Randevu Hattı: 0212 466 10 50 web: Bipolar bozukluk kişinin herhangi bir hatasından ya da kişiliğindeki güçsüzlükten kaynaklanmaz. Mani/hipomani nedir? Temel belirtiler aşırı neşeli, bazen öfkeli, coşkulu bir duygudurum; düşünce, konuşma ve hareketlerde hızlanma ve benlik kabarmasıdır. Hipomani maninin daha hafif formudur. Depresif dönem nedir? 1. Bipolar Bozukluk Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular. Как алкоголь меняет личность | ВитаПортал - Здоровье и Медицина. Хронический алкоголизм постепенно разрушает не только физическое здоровье, но и заметно сказывается на состоянии психики человека, меняет его личность.

Темпы развития хронического алкоголизма могут заметно различаться у разных людей, в зависимости от многих факторов. Стадии развития алкоголизма Выделяют три стадии развития болезни: Первая стадия. На этой стадии повышается толерантность к алкоголю, что приводит к заметному возрастанию доз алкоголя, иногда очень большому. Последствия алкоголизма Наиболее частое соматическое осложнение хронического алкоголизма – цирроз печени. Хронический алкоголизм находит отражение во всем: разрушает организм, наносит непоправимый ущерб здоровью, затрагивает внешность, но наиболее сильно алкоголизм отражается на психическом состоянии человека, что приводит к изменениям личности. Меняется круг социальных контактов, появляется склонность к криминальным действиям. В целом можно выделить несколько основных типов изменения личности при хроническом алкоголизме: Апатия (психиатрия) Апа́тия (др. -греч. α- «без» + πάθος «страсть, волнение, возбуждение») — симптом, выражающийся в безразличии, безучастности, в отрешённом отношении к происходящему вокруг, в отсутствии стремления к какой-либо деятельности[1], отсутствии отрицательного и положительного отношения к действительности[2], отсутствии внешних эмоциональных проявлений.

В сочетании с безволием составляет апато-абулический синдром, с адинамией — апатико-адинамический синдром. Краткие сведения[править | править код] При некоторых условиях апатия может наблюдаться и у здоровых людей. Она может являться особой личностной характеристикой, выражающейся в низкой социальной и профессиональной активности, быть значимой характеристикой нормального развития и старения[5]. Синонимы[править | править код] Атимия, атимормия, анормия, афимия[7].

История термина[править | править код] См. также[править | править код] Примечания[править | править код] ↑ Г. Литература[править | править код] Гипербулия. Гипербули́я (греч. υπερ — над, сверху) — усиление интенсивности влечений и увеличение их количества, а также побуждений и мотивов к деятельности с быстрой их изменчивостью. В результате часто дела остаются незавершёнными. Повышена потребность в общении. Больные разговорчивы, во все вмешиваются, совершают многочисленные покупки, предлагают и пытаются осуществить различные преобразования на работе и дома. Для повышенной волевой активности характерны: повышение пищевого инстинкта(булимия), повышение полового инстинкта, повышение родительского инстинкта, инстинкта самосохранения. Эти люди способны к убийству, для них характерна частая смена мест жительства, гиперкинез, ускоренная речь. Чаще наблюдается при маниакальном состоянии и сочетается с другими расстройствами психики (мышления, внимания). Абулия. Абулия. См. также[править | править исходный текст] Литература[править | править исходный текст] Абулiя // Энциклопедический словарь, составленный русскими учеными и литераторами.

СПб., 1861.Абулия // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона: В 86 томах (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907. Эвтюмия. Эвтю́мия (греч. ευθυμία — хорошее настроение, довольство, радость) — Демокрит считал целью жизни пребывание в благостном, «хорошем расположении духа — эвтюмии» (по тексту Епифания у Дильса). См. также[править | править исходный текст] Ссылки[править | править исходный текст] Этика Демокрита (англ.) Social Anxiety and the Fear of Eating in Front of Others. The fear of eating in front of others can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. Socializing usually includes some form of food and drink. Business meetings often take place over lunch or dinner.

If eating and drinking in front of others causes you extreme anxiety, you may either endure these situations with great discomfort or avoid them altogether. Avoidance creates a vicious cycle in that the more narrow your life becomes, the harder you will find it to eat and drink in front of others. You may find yourself limiting your career choices or turning down invitations because of your fears. Triggers Fear of eating and drinking in front of others can be triggered by a wide variety of situations, foods, and dining companions. If you are like most people with this problem, your level of anxiety probably escalates in proportion to how difficult the food is to eat. Fears Treatment Sources: Antony MM, Swinson RP.

Heimberg R, Becker, R. Noyes R, Hoehn-Saric R. Stein M. Passive-aggressive behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, sarcasm, hostile jokes, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible. For research purposes, the DSM-IV describes passive-aggressive personality disorder as a "pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance in social and occupational situations". Concept in different areas[edit] In psychology[edit] In psychology, passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by a habitual pattern of passive resistance to expected work requirements, opposition, stubbornness, and negativistic attitudes in response to requirements for normal performance levels expected of others.

Passive-aggressive may also refer to a person who refuses to acknowledge their own aggression (in the sense of "agency"), and who manages that denial by projecting it. How to Stop Feeling Nervous About Eating Around Other People. Edit Article Edited by Flickety, Krystle, Alhen, Danielle and 22 others Feeling nervous about eating around people is common among men, women, and children. Social notions tell us that it is not nice to be seen eating in public, mostly for fear that people will think we are eating too much, and will look "fat" or "undesirable.

" With all the mixed messages we get about beauty, propriety and health, it can lead many to worry about letting a mouthful pass the lips in public. Ad Steps 1Think about why you have this fear. 9See a health professional. Tips If you have a pounding heart, sweats, anxiety (panic) attacks, butterflies, sick stomach, flushes, etc. or feel faint at the thought of eating out or when actually eating out, you have a recognised anxiety condition and should see a health professional for treatment.You must learn how to relax your body.

Warnings Don't let this go on forever; it can ruin your enjoyment of life by curtailing your outings. Eating thing -