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How to Repurpose Colored Pencils into Colorful Accessories. We were so inspired by our back to school pencils project a couple weeks ago that we decided to take it to the next level.

How to Repurpose Colored Pencils into Colorful Accessories

The colored pencil level. Here are 4 playful accessories perfect for artsy types, students, teachers, and anyone who likes to add a little color and nostalgia to their jewelry box. Materials: - colored pencils - sand paper - drill with tiny drill bit - hand saw - chain - ring pads - glue - jewelry wire If you don’t have an old box of colored pencils lying around, you can easily find them at a local craft store, pharmacy or on Amazon. 25 Awesome DIY Ideas For Bookshelves.

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HCD Connect Stories and Projects. Challenges. Human-Centered Design Toolkit. For years, businesses have used human-centered design to develop innovative solutions.

Human-Centered Design Toolkit

Why not apply the same approach to overcome challenges in the nonprofit world? This project, funded by International Development Enterprise (IDE) as part of a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, sought to provide NGOs and social enterprises with the tools to do just that. IDEO, in collaboration with nonprofit groups ICRW and Heifer International, developed the HCD Toolkit to help international staff and volunteers understand a community’s needs in new ways, find innovative solutions to meet those needs, and deliver solutions with financial sustainability in mind.

The HCD Toolkit was designed specifically for NGOs and social enterprises that work with impoverished communities in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Born in Sweden Boot Jack - $25.00 : Institute for Human-Centered Design (IHCD) Store, (Adaptive Environments) Diseño de Experiencias.