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Project Wonderful: Everybody wins. Self-Service Ad Manager. Sell advertising to more people easily through your own self-service ad storefront.

Self-Service Ad Manager

There's no need to update your stats manually. It's done automatically. Help your advertisers create ads easily. Help your advertisers reach their target audience accurately. Turn the media-buy into a familiar and enjoyable experience. Isocket. Idgi comics. WE THE ROBOTS. A comic strip I drew from late 2007 through early 2009.


It was designed to be a variation on the Mystery Work-In-Progress I could complete in single sittings, between bedtime stories and midnight bottle feedings. This allowed me to keep goofing around with this mess of ideas during a period when I would otherwise have too busy to make headway on a short. We The Robots built up a pretty great group of fans, god bless them.