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DevOps and Continuous Delivery. DevOps is a key cultural component in today’s organizations.

DevOps and Continuous Delivery

It brings synchronicity and unifies software development and software operations. It focuses on developer cooperation with other parties involved in the development, deployment, operation, and maintenance of software systems. These systems can be successful if they are agile. Providing continuous delivery of updated software to customers can create unmatchable satisfaction and success. What Is Computer Vision (with Examples) Computer vision is a new technology based on artificial intelligence that allows computers to observe the world.

What Is Computer Vision (with Examples)

Through the analysis of visual data, this technology can understand any situation almost perfectly without skipping or missing any important part and yet still find the best and most suitable decisions to issues. In a few years’ time, this type of technology will become the future of some departments such as police departments in many cities because of its ability to prevent fraud through facial recognition, discovering of criminals and criminal activities through public cameras, and luggage inspection at airports.

2020's Biggest IT Mergers and Acquisitions. 2020 has been a pretty noisy year, that various IT mergers and acquisitions remain unnoticed.

2020's Biggest IT Mergers and Acquisitions

However, having a look at some of the biggest IT Mergers and Acquisitions of 2020 that we have given below will give you a better idea regarding how active the market of mergers has been. Undoubtedly, for most of the businesses, 2020 was a difficult year due to economic hardships, lost business, and much more. And this was all because of the pandemic, for sure. 13 Interesting Benefits Of Bitcoin That You Did'nt Know. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world.

13 Interesting Benefits Of Bitcoin That You Did'nt Know

As you can see from this Bitcoin summary, this is a very important virtual coin that manages to offer you anonymity online and it also makes payments faster and more convenient. You can easily store your Bitcoin in a mobile, online or paper wallet and you can initiate transactions at any given time. The Bitcoin overview clearly shows that this is one of the best ways to keep your money in the virtual world and not have to worry about any hassle and challenges that can arise.

4 Ways Interactive Content Helps Drive Demand Generation Wins. Delivering a High Win-Rate through Interactive Content: Basware. Basware was at a crossroads trying to reach finance leaders within companies with multi-million annual turnovers.

Delivering a High Win-Rate through Interactive Content: Basware

They aimed to reach target accounts within the Benelux region with relevant content but achieved limited success in their endeavors which other vendors supported. With Bython Media’s network of decision-makers through its highly trafficked industry-specific newsletters, Basware finally succeeded. Bython provided over 156 high-quality leads by implementing a digital demand generation program that adapted Basware’s high performing content to its interactive assets.

Analysis of Benefits and Costs for Basware's Procure to Pay Solution. This white paper has delivered a comprehensive report on the Total Economic Impact (TEI) study conducted by Forrester Consulting.

Analysis of Benefits and Costs for Basware's Procure to Pay Solution

This study aims to examine the potential return on investment (ROI) businesses may realize by implementing its Procure-to-Pay solution. The essence of this white paper report is to provide you with a framework to analyze the latent financial impact of Basware’s Procure-to-Pay solution on your enterprises. The Basware P2P offering comprises accounts payable automation solution, e-invoicing services, and an e-procurement solution over the largest open business network in the world. Endpoint Security: Everything You Need to Know. Difference Between Endpoint Security and Network Security?

Endpoint Security: Everything You Need to Know

Endpoint security focuses on the devices outside of a company network (i.e. mobile devices, desktops, and laptops) that can come into that company’s internal operating system and cause data breaches by bringing in a variety of security threats such as ransomware, malware, and data thieves. Network security deals with the digital structures and tools created and utilized solely to maintain and safeguard the network itself from the inside.

Through some of the factors of data security such as anonymity, having good values, concealment of information, and accessibility, network security keeps internal operations running smoothly and safely. Why is Endpoint Security so Critical Today? As mentioned earlier, with the rise of remote work opportunities more endpoint devices are being used to complete work tasks. Monitoring Microservices on Kubernetes. Do you know that the most recent bi-annual survey from CNCF identified monitoring as one of the top challenges for organizations adopting Kubernetes?

Monitoring Microservices on Kubernetes

This whitepaper offers several meaningful insights into ways we can effectively monitor Kubernetes clusters as well as microservices deployed on Kubernetes to identify issues with performance and reduce mean time-to-resolution (MTTR). Managing issues around performance are critical to ensuring the user experience is smooth, helpful, and ultimately flawless. Many organizations require a process and best practices documentation around creating Kubernetes clusters. In addition, these processes can help to ensure solid performance across various platforms and an entire tech stack. There are three foundational pillars of the Kubernetes deployment philosophy: infrastructure abstraction, declarative configuration, and immutability.

Project Portfolio Management a Complete Guide for Beginners. Top 7 Machine Learning Trends For 2021. Trends in Machine Learning to Know for 2021 Machine learning is an exciting and critical technology that has continued to increase in popularity over the past several years.

Top 7 Machine Learning Trends For 2021

Today, the odds that you have come across the popularity of machine learning and artificial intelligence are pretty high, especially if you work in a heavily technologically advanced industry. A Complete Guide to Conversational Marketing. The humanization and streamlining of consumer service have led to a positive change in how organizations and customers interact with each other.

A Complete Guide to Conversational Marketing

Anyone that has ever been in a “please hold” or “press 1 for English,” or an elevator waiting for a music situation knows the value of fast service that tailors to one’s specific needs. Learning about why chat boxes pop up when a user on a website scrolls and how chatbots can be humanized even when they are not human helps readers understand the function and how they strengthen the connection between the supplier (businesses) and the demander (customers). Conversational marketing is essential to any good business website.

Knowing the business can directly communicate to its base from its main platform assures that a business stays in the know about their needs, how they feel about how the organization operates, and what might need to be corrected. Best Practices for Container Monitoring on AWS. As developing applications becomes a top priority for many companies, cloud-native infrastructure components such as containers are becoming increasingly popular. They give companies the advantage of improved portability, availability, and scalability. It is vital for companies to deploy a container monitoring and observation strategy to ensure efficient deployment. Some things to consider when it comes to monitoring containerized deployments with AWS include: Everything You Need to Know.

Everything You Need to Know About Ethical AI. A Complete Guide on Ethical AI The research behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a six-decade history, but the latest advances in machine learning and neural networks have made artificial intelligence dive into spheres like criminal justice, hiring, and health care. In response to these advances, there has been a growing interest by experts to establish criteria and standards to scale the impact and trustworthiness of the AI systems that have either helped humans or replaced them in completing vital tasks and making important decisions. Thus, this topic has now become one that should be treated delicately and in this article, you’ll be taught the most important things about ethical AI.

What is Ethical AI? If you have ever come across the term “Machine Morality” and you did not deem it fit to go through it, then you probably have no interest in tech but still, the phrase should catch your attention and make you ask questions like “Is it possible for machines to be Moral?” Webinar Challenges in 2021 - How to Prepare for It. Businesses are continuously evolving. With the advent of the internet and digital technology, one of the significant changes implemented in this industry is streaming video’s use. The era of low-quality streaming videos has gone. Retail Banking: Everything You Need To Know. Datavail Delivers Database Migration and Management Solutions on AWS. Businesses are now holding heaps of data and have teams spread across the globe. Having an effective database migration and management solution is key for business success in this day and age. More and more companies these days are moving to cloud-based services and reaping the benefits of lower costs, better security, and more widespread access to new technology.

One of the most popular cloud-based service providers is Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS provides businesses and teams with three major benefits. These are: