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Minecraft na sala de aula. Vamos jogar? Open Education. The aim of this scoreboard is to highlight the huge potential that European institutions have in the world of OER and to help visualize this potential by compiling the existing European-provided MOOCs available on different open websites.

Open Education

European MOOCs are those provided by European institutions, regardless of the platform that hosts them. All of the MOOCs accounted for in the scoreboard are also listed in the MOOC aggregator on this website. Please refer to our FAQ for more information about how this scoreboard is built, what are the sources of information and how the visualization works. Downloads Infographics To download a graphical version of the scoreboard in JPG Format click here. Institutions. Claves para diseñar un MOOC. El dato…

Claves para diseñar un MOOC

Moocs: Desafios e Oportunidades. A free, flexible, nine-week online course that will allow K-16 educators to learn about how deeper learning can be put into practice. MOOCs, Myths and Misconseptions. Changing the Narrative. As Phil mentioned, he and I were both lucky to attend the MOOC Research Initiative conference, which was a real tour de force.

Changing the Narrative

How to Build an Ethical Online Course. Cómo los bibliotecarios ayudan en los MOOC. El diseño instruccional de los MOOCs y el de los nuevos cursos abiertos personalizados (I) En esta serie de entradas vamos a exponer sucintamente una propuesta justificada y fundamentada de un procedimiento para diseñar un curso que eventualmente pueda ser un MOOC pero también para diseñar un curso en línea, abierto y personalizado.

El diseño instruccional de los MOOCs y el de los nuevos cursos abiertos personalizados (I)

#EDUSprint 1: Beyond MOOCs – IT as a Force of Change. I joined today’s @EDUCAUSE 1st #EDUSprint webinar, IT as a Force of Change, discussed connected learning, technological impacts, educational models, and, of course, MOOCs.

#EDUSprint 1: Beyond MOOCs – IT as a Force of Change

For those of us who educate, design, and research these items, not much of today’s session was new; however the speakers highlighted some interesting points and conversations around “where we are and where we need to go with higher education learning?” Today’s session was focused on framing large-scale, online learning programs – which is why MOOCs came to the forefront of the questions and discussion with the featured panel: Elliot Masie (The MASIE Center) and Chris Dede and Timothy Wirth (Learning Technologies, Harvard University).

MOOCs were called many things and labels were shared about the role of MOOCs in higher education. If MOOC’s are experiment, what is the control? #EDUSPRINT— Dr. The Most Unique Thing About MOOCs – And Where Creative Effort is Most Needed. I am, ostensibly, on vacation.

The Most Unique Thing About MOOCs – And Where Creative Effort is Most Needed

But if I don’t get this thought out of my brain it will continue to torment my cross-country driving. What exactly is most unique / special about MOOCs? Let’s unpack the acronym back to front: - Courses. Well, we’ve had these for a few hundred years. MOOCs - tendenciasedu. Aunque es una de las tendencias pronosticada por el Informe Horizon en el periodo de tiempo de un año , ya se puede decir que ya está entre nosotros (yo mismo estoy haciendo varios de ellos), considero que afecta más a la enseñanza superior, aunque no deja de ser una buena noticia para el conjunto del profesorado ya que de este modo va a tener muchas más oportunidades de formación online.

MOOCs - tendenciasedu

Hecha esta salvedad inicial hay que decir que en los últimos tiempos han surgido iniciativas que aprovechan la masificación en la utilización de los dispositivos móviles para facilitar la formación online. Fundamentalmente hacemos referencia a los denominados MOOCs ( Massive online open course) o al acrónimo C.O.M.A que corresponde a las siglas de Curso Online Masivo y Abierto, procedente de la traducción literal del inglés de las siglas M.O.O.C. Blackboard Announces New MOOC Platform - Wired Campus. MOOCs: "el concepto" The MOOC bubble and the attack on public education. In the last year, MOOCs have gotten a tremendous amount of publicity.

The MOOC bubble and the attack on public education

Last November, the New York Times decided that 2012 was “the Year of the MOOC,” and columnists like David Brooks and Thomas Friedman have proclaimed ad nauseum that the MOOC “revolution” is a “tsunami” that will soon transform higher education. As a Time cover article on MOOCs put it—in a rhetorical flourish that has become a truly dead cliché—“College is Dead.

Long Live College!” MOOC Meets Learning 2.0 (By Dr. Michael Stephens) » Center for Information Research and Innovation Blog. Loveless MOOCs. Shine on the web. Grading the MOOC University. But the first thing I learned?

Grading the MOOC University

When it comes to Massive Open Online Courses, like those offered by Coursera, Udacity and edX, you can forget about the Socratic method. The professor is, in most cases, out of students’ reach, only slightly more accessible than the pope or Thomas Pynchon. Several of my Coursera courses begin by warning students not to e-mail the professor. We are told not to “friend” the professor on Facebook. If you happen to see the professor on the street, avoid all eye contact (well, that last one is more implied than stated).

Perhaps my modern history professor, Philip D. MOOC Mania: Debunking the hype around massive open online courses. Illustration by Jacob Thomas In the fall of 2011, Stanford University offered three of its engineering courses—Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Introduction to Databases—for free online.

MOOC Mania: Debunking the hype around massive open online courses

Anyone with Internet access could sign up for them. As Sebastian Thrun, the director of Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, tells the story, he assumed just a handful of people would enroll in his graduate-level AI class. Is That MOOC an A or C or X or some other letter? - Serendipity35. MOOCs only have a history of about a little more than four years. A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education. MOOCs? MOOCs! The excitement about the promise and potential of Massive Open Online Courses is white hot in many quarters.

For those who aren't familiar with the phenomenon: A MOOC is an online course, usually at the university level, offered for free over the Internet which aims for large-scale (some courses have enrolled over 100,000 students at a time), 'open' (anyone can join) participation over the Internet. Daphne Koller, the co-founder of Coursera, one of the largest and best-known MOOCs (the two other 'leaders in this space are Udacity and edX) stopped by the World Bank in late February to talk about what Coursera is doing, and learning. The Future of Higher Education: Massive Online Open Disruption. By Daniel Honan What's the Big Idea? Is college an expensive waste of time? Peter Thiel and Vivek Wadhwa have debated this question repeatedly -- on 60 Minutes, at an Intelligence Squared debate in Chicago, and most recently at The Nantucket Project, a festival of ideas that was held on Nantucket, Massachusetts earlier this month.