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Private Client Legal Services Edinburgh

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Specialist advice, covering all aspects of family provision including Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Taxation and Inheritance Tax, is offered to ensure clients are secure in the knowledge that their wealth and interests are being protected and their wishes implemented.

You will always find us to be approachable, available and ready to assist. Making A Will Scotland. We cannot stress too highly the importance of making a Will.

Making A Will Scotland

Family and personal relationships are now more complex than ever and the absence of a Will can cause significant problems and put the interests of both the immediate family and any business connections at risk. We encourage all our clients to make a Will so that proper arrangements can be made, avoiding unnecessary expense, for those who survive us on our death. Under Scots Law, everyone over the age of 12 can make a Will and there are many reasons for making one. Estate Administration. The Executor of a will is the person named to administer a deceased person’s estate as stipulated in the Will.

Estate Administration

An Executor can be any person aged 18 or over. Appointing a solicitor to carry out these tasks will make the process less stressful for the deceased’s family. The administration of an estate typically includes the following elements: Remember that we will quote you a fixed price for this work. View our fixed prices. Conveyancing Solicitors Edinburgh. We aim to de-mystify the procedures involved in selling or buying property and deal with matters quickly and efficiently for a fixed fee.

Conveyancing Solicitors Edinburgh

We will check the title when the property is marketed, manage initial transactions and source all documentation relating to your home. We will then negotiate the contract on your behalf with the buyer’s solicitor. Notary Public Edinburgh. Janice Fergusson Nisbet is a Notary Public.

Notary Public Edinburgh

Her seal and signature are registered with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office . Certified copies We can provide certified copies of original documents for a small fee. Personal attendance with the documents is needed, together with proof of identity to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. We will advise about what documents should be brought.

Notarising documents Many legal documents, including documents for use in foreign jurisdictions, require execution before a Notary Public. Apostilles. Power of Attorney Services in Edinburgh. Inheritance Tax Advice. Living Wills Legal Advice in Edinburgh. Living wills provide medical instructions upon incapacitation.

Living Wills Legal Advice in Edinburgh

A living will is an instruction to the medical profession about your wishes in the event that you are incapacitated and unable to give instructions on your own. For instance, you can give instructions to the effect that you do not wish to be resuscitated if you are suffering from a particular medical condition. Modern medicine offers treatments for many conditions which were previously almost always fatal. Many of these treatments are invasive, painful and reduce the quality of a person's life in order to extend it.

Often, these treatments are offered and undertaken even where there is little chance of success. Court of Protection Solicitors. This court is constituted in England and Wales for matters which in Scotland are dealt with by Guardianship and the Office of the Public Guardian.

Court of Protection Solicitors

The Court of Protection’s role is to make decisions on behalf of people who lack the capacity to make them for themselves, due to impairment in the functioning of the brain. The decision in question could concern personal welfare or healthcare but it is more likely to involve financial matters. Children lack the legal capacity to make many decisions simply by virtue of their age. If it is likely that a child, on reaching eighteen, will be able to make financial decisions, the Court of Protection will not be involved. Conversely, if the child is likely to lack capacity into adulthood and has assets of his or her own (as a result of a compensation claim, for instance) the Court of Protection may appoint a Deputy for property and affairs. The Deputy is responsible for managing the child’s finances.

Legal Guardianship Scotland. If you become incapacitated a person with an interest in your affairs may apply to legally act on your behalf via the Sheriff Court.

Legal Guardianship Scotland

This person is called a Guardian. A Guardian is usually appointed for a period of three years or more. There are two types of Guardian who can do so - a Financial Guardian and a Welfare Guardian: a Financial Guardian will help deal with your financial affairsa Welfare Guardian will deal with other matters concerning welfare and healthcare If you become incapacitated and a person needs to act on your behalf to carry out a one-off action (for example, selling a house), an Intervention Order will need to be applied for. If an individual or organisation needs to gain access to your funds, they could do so by applying to the Access to Funds scheme. View our fixed price fees for this service. Trust Solicitors in Edinburgh. Setting up a Trust Setting up a trust can help to protect assets and save tax at the same time.

Trust Solicitors in Edinburgh

For example, you might want to give your niece a lump sum, but do not want her to spend it on the wrong things. By putting the money in trust, you can be sure that your niece will benefit from the money, but your appointed Trustees will manage the funds so that they are spent in line with your wishes. You could also benefit from a tax saving.