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Slavoj Zizek

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Zizek on Children of Men‬‏ Living in the End Times According to Slavoj Zizek‬‏ Slavoj Žižek - What does it mean to be a revolutionary today? Marxism 2009‬‏ A Lecture by Slavoj Zizek‬‏ Slavoj Zizek: First Tragedy, Then Farce (Animated) Slavoj Žižek on Fatherhood. Slavoj Zizek honors BDS call on trip to Israel/Palestine. Zizek in conversation with Khaled Hourani and Remco de Blaaij on the implications, possibilities and dangers of Picasso in Palestine.

Filmed on 22 June 2011 in Ramallah at the International Art Academy Palestine. The organizers of philosopher Slavoj Zizek‘s events in Israel/Palestine issued the following press release: World-renowned philosopher, Slavoj Zizek of Slovenia, had yesterday concluded a week-long visit to the region. During his week’s visit, Zizek delivered a three-day seminar in Ramallah on the topic of Cinema and Politics, along with celebrated film producer and Focus Features CEO, James Schamus. At the end of the seminar, aimed to support Palestinian young artists and the Palestinian struggle for liberation, Zizek delivered a public talk in a Tel Aviv independent bookstore, Tolaat Sfarim, in honor of the forthcoming book of Israeli-American film-maker, writer & BDS advocate Udi Aloni, entitled What Does a Jew Want? : On Binationalism and Other Specters.