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Casa de musica

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Casa de musica plans. Casa da Musica -OMA. Photo: Charlie Koolhaas The Casa da Música is situated on a travertine plaza, between the city's historic quarter and a working-class neighborhood, adjacent to the Rotunda da Boavista. The square is no longer a mere hinge between the old and the new Porto, but becomes a positive encounter of two different models of the city. By considering the building as a solid mass, from which we eliminated the two concert halls and all other public facilities, we created a hollowed-out block that reveals its contents without being didactic and, at the same time, exposes the city. The building is both clear and mysterious - the diagram becomes an architectural adventure. /OMA The chiselled sculptural form of the white concrete shell houses the main 1,300 seat concert hall, a small 350 seat hall, rehearsal rooms, and recording studios for the Oporto National Orchestra.

Stairs lead from the ground level plaza to the foyer where a second staircase continues to the Main Hall and the different levels above. Portugal: Die Vision vom Haus am Hafen | Reisen. Der Pianist Pedro Burmester wollte der Musik und seiner Stadt Porto ein Denkmal setzen. Ein Besuch in seiner Casa da Música – dem Haus, in dem er nicht auftreten will.

Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Google + Pedro Burmester zieht mit seinen Pianistenhänden kräftig an der meterhohen Glastür. Die Bühne des Saals liegt zwischen zwei Tribünen, hinter diesen erheben sich Glasfronten – keine glatten, abweisenden, sondern gewellte, der Akustik wegen. Anzeige AnreiseÜbernachtung SehenswürdigkeitenAuskunft Anreise Nonstop-Flüge nach Porto gibt es mehrmals täglich mit der TAP Air Portugal oder mit der Lufthansa ab Frankfurt. Übernachtung Verschiedene Stadthotels sind auf der Website der Stadt Porto gelistet: Das neu eröffnete Luxushotel The Yeatman ist konzeptionell auf das Thema Portwein ausgerichtet: Sehenswürdigkeiten Avenida da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Porto, Tel. +351 220 120 220, Internet Auskunft.

Bartlett Year 1 Architecture Diary: OMA, Rem Koolhaas: Casa de Musica, Porto: Drawings, Plans, Sections, CASA-DA-MUSICA. FACT SHEET Status:Competition: 1999Completed: 2005 Client: Porto 2001 / Casa da Música Site: Rotunda da Boavista Program: 22,000 m2 including grand auditorium with 1,200 seats, small auditorium with space for 350 seats, rehearsal rooms with recording facilities, music shop, computer and educational facilities, VIP room, restaurant, roof terrace and parking (600 cars) CREDITS Partners in charge: Rem Koolhaas, Ellen van Loon Team: Adrianne Fisher, Michelle Howard, Isabel Silva, Nuno Rosado, Robert Choeff, Barbara Wolff, Stephan Griek, Govert Gerritsen, Saskia Simon, Thomas Duda, Christian von der Muelde, Rita Amado, Philip Koenen, Peter Müller, Krystian Keck, Eduarda Lima, Christoff Scholl, Alex de Jong, Catarina Canas, Shadi Rahbaran, Chris van Duijn, Anna Little, Alois Baptista, André Cardoso, Paulo Costa, Ana Jacinto, Fabienne Louyot, Christina Beaumont, João Prates Ruivo Competition Team: Rem Koolhaas, Fernando Romero Havaux, Isabel Silva, Barbara Wolff, Uwe Herlyn.

Casa da Música Porto by OMA. English — Zé Luís Tavares For many years, new noticeable objects in the urban landscape of Porto have been ruled by consumerism, with shopping malls and speculative housing complexes, and by the established codes of the Porto School, with Álvaro Siza as the foreman. The new millennium starts with Koolhaas’ appearance shaking things up.

A diamond-shaped white concrete Casa da Música [CdM] slowly emerged in the most central roundabout of the local modern urbanity. From the very beginning, the process was politically and urban disturbed. This fact placed its construction, architecture and meaning in the foreground of discussion of citizens, architects and national newspapers. Early April the international press had a presentation and tour through the CdM. Koolhaas goes contextual Designing a building that was already named House of Music made OMA be naively literal: this concert hall has actual windows like houses do. There was a meticulous concern with the existing city. Now! Technic – Poetic. Javier Soriano: febrero 2012. En primer lugar deberéis haceros con un blog donde se os hará un seguimiento online de todo el cuatrimestre empezando desde hoy. Para ello deberéis mandar antes de este MIERCOLES 8 de FEBRERO de 2012 el enlace de vuestro blog a:

Deberá estar hecho en esta semana. En el curso habrán de conformarse grupos de trabajo de 3/4 personas. Ya existen algunos hechos, asi que pasaremos una lista para que os inscribáis oficialmente a efectos evaluativos y de control. Los trabajos en grupo son siempre complejos, lo sabemos bien, pero en la vida laboral nunca se trabaja solo y siempre se trabaja en equipo, y con la situación actual trabajar en grupo se ha convertido en algo mas que crucial para la supervivencia de la profesión. Este es un modo de tomarnoslo en serio y prepararos para la vida profesional. Los grupos de trabajo deberán fijar para ESTA SEMANA la búsqueda de uno de los siguientes grupos de referencias y colgarlos en vuestros blogs: 2- Auditorios de música.

Maqueta: The 17 Sides of a Cultural Identity. Built in 2005 by Rem Koolhaas’ OMA in the city of Porto, Portugal the Casa da Música is, without a doubt, a significant architectural statement — further emphasised by its intense angles and towering presence. By using the building as a visual source, Stefan Sagmeister created a dynamic, faceted and endlessly varied identity — all literally speaking. The resulting logo is perhaps, well, not pretty, but as a vessel for the complete identity and adaptable execution it is a mighty impressive piece of design architecture itself. One on which styles, ideas, themes — specific or broad — can be projected upon. Stefan was generous to share this project with us and show what happens behind the scenes in the realization of this identity. Casa da Música in Portugal, Porto by Rem Koolhaas. Graphical views of the building. From the different views of the building, a system of logos is created. Need we say that the possibilities are endless?

Casa de la Musica, Porto - Max Frank GesmbH.