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Older posts, page 2. PGConf West 2007 video - Best Practices with Rails and PostgreSQL Posted by Tom Copeland on 09/29/2009 This is kind of a blast from the past - it's a talk by Bricolage lead developer David Wheeler at PostgreSQL Conference West 2007. It's mainly an introduction to Rails, but David's a real PostgreSQL guru (and had a Rails app that was bought by Twitter) and thus brings out some interesting points. Here are some highlights from an initial listen: Some basics on Rails competitors and philosophy. It's a nice presentation in front of a small group, with a nice feel to it. Rails and PostgreSQL job in Denver Posted by Tom Copeland on 09/22/2009 Just noticed this job posting about an opening at Zerista . I googled around and didn't find any tech interviews or videos or whatever... if someone from Zerista is reading this and wants to share information about how you're using Rails and PostgreSQL in interesting ways, please post a comment or contact me !

Rails apps using PostgreSQL in production Indeed. Rails, Postgres, Snow Leopard and 64bit: a word of warning | bloganstalt. 31Aug09 After zipping through a painless upgrade to OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard on both my Macs, I found myself banging my head against the wall trying to get my Rails + Postgres stack running again. There is a lot of great information out there on how to get everything up to 64bit goodness, and I merrily began the uninstall/recompile/reinstall dance. What followed was an excruciating eight hours of trying to get Postgres to compile to 64bit, and the gem — or Postgres adapter for that matter — to link against it. Long story short: make sure you actually have a 64bit Mac. Let me say that again: . As embarrassing as this, at some point I finally realized that both my Macs used Core Duo chips, not Core Duos – which makes my Snow Leopard a plain-old 32bit installation. So, us 32bit cat owners still have to compile with sudo env ARCHFLAGS= 'i386' gem install pg -- --with-pgsql- dir = /usr/local/pgsql - just as we had to on 10.5 Leopard.

What I hope to have learned from this: # Setup Rails with Postgresql # Everytime I set up a Rails project, there are many braindead steps that need to be followed. Instead of doing a web search each time I need to get an app setup, I follow these simple sequence of instructions. The first thing to do is to create the rails directory structure. Many Rails tutorials assume SQLite or MySQL. Here in ivy covered UC Berkeley, our database of choice is Postgresql. rails --database=postgresql myapp Postgresql (as postgres admin user) psql template1 create role myapp with createdb login password 'myapp'; // 'login' is optional if you plan to use psql // with newer versions of Rails, 'rake db:create:all' will create all the databases listed in config/database.yml select * from pg_user; // verify user created select * from pg_shadow; // sysid listed here create database myapp_development owner myapp; create database myapp_test owner myapp; create database myapp_production owner myapp; (in RAILS_ROOT) rake db:migrate sudo gem install pg Config Keep your database.yml DRY.

Rails on PostgreSQL. Rails with Postgresql - My first attempts at using Rails with MySQL weren't all that successful - I'm not sure why. However, as I intend to use Postresql in the long run, I decided to install the Rails Postgresql adapter. First, I installed the ruby-devel package (needed to build gems packages). # yum install ruby-devel Now instal the postgres driver for Rails: # gem install postgres --remote I then started to run through the tutorial on the RubyOnRails Wiki. I created a Postgres database "rails_development" and a postgres user "rails" I ran the script to create the "people" table. Created a new Rails app called "WikiDemo" and made it available at Modified config/database.yml to point to the newly created postgres database: development: adapter: postgresql database: rails_development host: localhost username: rails password: secret Created a new Controller: # .

Created a new Model: # . Edited the display code: vi app/views/friends/show.rhtml Edited the model: vi app/controllers/friends_controller.rb. PostgreSQL, Rails, and why you should care | Awesomeful. And Ruby on Rails - better accessibility. Skip site navigation (1) Skip section navigation (2) : "Amol Pujari" <amol_pujari(at)persistent(dot)co(dot)in> : <pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org> : PostgreSQL and Ruby on Rails - better accessibility : Wed, 25 Jun 2008 13:16:12 +0530 : < 004701c8d697$8b9df5d0$a2d9e170$ > < text/plain > Hi, Could anybody comment on the postgres-pr driver, from performance point of view, is it faster than others?

Nikhils bijayant kumar jay Rusty Conover Prev by Date: Next by Date: Previous by thread: Next by thread: Indexes: PostgreSQL, Ruby, and Rails: WIN | This is a follow-up to my post: PostgreSQL, Ruby, and Rails: I Quit . So I finally have a working machine with the following installed and ready to rock: Ruby and Rails: From MacPorts Tip: Don’t forget: “source ~/.profile” Do touch /etc/profile, even though Robby said so. /etc/profile is read-only. Why use the native Ruby that was shipped with Apple? Passenger (mod_rails) and PassengerPanes My problem was after installing Ruby and Rubygems through MacPorts, I didn’t update the $PATH. You do not need to create symbolic links (“ln”) at all.

PassengerPanes is amazing. Git Simple installation as “git-core” on MacPorts. PostgreSQL MacPorts again. Which Gem? If you go to the RubyForge page, you’ll see two gems. Although “postgres” seems to be more out of date, this is the one that you’re going to want for the near future. Following yet another great walkthrough , you’re going to want to install it in this manner on an Intel Mac (if you installed PostgreSQL through MacPorts). PostgreSQL Rails.