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How to Leave Comments on the Internet. Study Skills - How to Study. Open Loops. Wired Science presents an article on research by psychologists Daniele Marzoli and Luca Tommasi of the University G. d’Annunzio in Italy. In this study, done in dance clubs in Italy (Who says research can't be fun?)

, 172 subjects were approached by a researcher and asked for a cigarette. Out of the 88 people who were asked in their left ear, only 17 gave her a cigarette. Of the 88 people who were asked the same request in their right ear, 34 granted the request. When hypothesizing why the right ear yielded substantially more positive results it was noted, "What’s surprising about the study is that ear choice had such a decided impact on the behavior of participants in a natural, or as the researchers put it, ecological, setting. Marzoli and Tommasi write that some work has shown that the left and right hemispheres of the brain appear to be tuned for positive and negative emotions, respectively. --via Wired Science: Requests to the Right Ear Are More Successful Than Those to the Left.

How to Remember Amazing Amounts of Information - Pt. 1: The Basics. Mnemonics have always fascinated me. Finding ways to remember inhuman amounts of information always attracted my attention, as I saw ways to impress friends, improve my ability to remember information at work and simply do things that others thought impossible to do. So over the next few weeks, I’ll share some interesting ways to remember things. You’ll simply amaze yourself! Assumptions All mnemonics are built on some pretty simple assumptions. The human brain thinks in pictures. By using the four “assumptions” listed above, one can remember inhuman amounts of information. None of this information is new. Example So buckle up and hang on! Several weeks later, Harry came back on the show.

Why did it work? Reading that, I changed my practice in locking my building doors. The next time you have to remember where you place something, give this technique a try. That is a small sample of the things you will be able to remember. This series will be fun! How To Write A Thank You Note. Over the last few weeks of the academic year, I began writing a note of thanks to someone in my school. In a school of over 100 adults, it was easy to spot something each day that deserved a “Thank You”. As my last act each day, I sat down at my desk and wrote the note of thanks and placed it in an employee’s mailbox as I walked out of the door.

The result was immediate. Almost every teacher told me that the expression of thanks was something that they needed to hear that day. That made me feel good as well. Since writing a Thank You note is going to have a major impact on someone, it’s important to do it right. Write the note promptly. Source: Rosalie Maggio | How to Say It: Choice Words, Phrases, Sentences & Paragraphs for Every Situation Photo:

How to Improve Your Ability to Motivate Others. Over the last couple of days, we’ve looked at managers and their practices. It seems like workers who commented were quick to say that their managers use practices that discourage them and make the work place an unpleasant one. Even the workers who had a manager to praise went on to say that their great manager was in the minority. Evidently, some managers have difficulty motivating their employees to the point that they enjoy getting things accomplished in the office. According to the Center for Creative Leadership, here are the characteristics of managers who have difficulty with motivation: Does this describe you?

All is not lost if it does. In fact, the CCL extensively tests program participants to identify leadership problem areas. Follow the basic rules of inspiring others – In other words, treat others how you would want to be treated. In short, people are motivated by someone who cares for them and trusts them. Source Related Links Center for Creative Leadership.