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5 Essential Nutrients for a Baby’s Brain Development. The first 1000 days of life, a period between conception and a child’s second year, are considered to be the foundation period to receive optimal nutrition and attain good health for both mother and baby.1 It is thus an important time to understand not just how nutrition affects a baby’s development but to also take stock of the best foods for a child’s brain development.

5 Essential Nutrients for a Baby’s Brain Development

Nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy can drastically affect the baby’s brain development. Important nutrients significantly contributing to a baby’s brain development2. Why proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital for your baby’s brain development? The conception of a child is the kind of good news that excites all family members.

Why proper nutrition during pregnancy is vital for your baby’s brain development?

There’s a sense of inherent responsibility that comes with this feeling, especially for the mother. Good nutrition during pregnancy is vital for the baby’s brain development. The relationship between pregnancy nutrition and health is crucial for all mothers. Importance of Nutrition during Pregnancy for Brain Development. They say that a child gives birth to a mother.

Importance of Nutrition during Pregnancy for Brain Development

While mothers are instinctively aware and understand the importance of nutrition and care in the growth and development of the baby, it is important to remember that their baby’s brain development takes place before the age of 3. The role of nutrition in developing the baby’s brain is extremely important and should not be overlooked. How the environment influences your baby’s cognitive development? Being a mother, you are most attached to your child and you can play a role in providing a better environment which influences the child’s cognitive development.1 Because infants and toddlers learn by interacting with the environment, the space in which your child grows - be it outdoors or indoors - should be motivating and inviting with plenty of materials available to stimulate his/her imagination.

How the environment influences your baby’s cognitive development?

In the presence of a stimulatory environment, children are encouraged to explore all the possibilities offered for fun, adventure, challenge and creativity.2 References: Andrade SA, Santos DN, Bastos AC, et al., Family environment and child's cognitive development: an epidemiological approach. Rev SaudePublica. 2005;39(4):606-11.French G. Children’s early learning and development. National Council for Curriculum and Assessment. 2007. Ways to develop good Language and Communications skills in Kids. The first 3 years of your child’s life are the most intensive ones with regards to acquisition of speech and language skills.

Ways to develop good Language and Communications skills in Kids

So undertaking activities to develop language and communication skills during this time will prove very beneficial for your child’s development. It is during this time period when the brain undergoes development and maturation. Your toddlers’ language and communication skills develop at their best when you provide them with an environment that is rich in sounds, sights, and consistent exposure to speech and language of others.1 Here are a few tips to encourage the development of good language and communications skills in kids: Read a book together. Stimulation Activities of Child Brain between 6 to 18 Months, Stimulation Techniques – Simmom.

When your baby is 7-9 months old, he / she is bound to be increasingly curious and active.

Stimulation Activities of Child Brain between 6 to 18 Months, Stimulation Techniques – Simmom

Babies approaching their first birthdays are able to move and talk much more.1, 2 Amazingly, just after their first year of birth, toddlers can walk, talk, feed themselves and go after what they want. Your baby’s brain is filled with activity each time you talk, sing, and read books to them.3 So make sure to use all the stimulation techniques available at your disposal. Stimulation Activities of Child Brain between 4 to 6 Months, Stimulation techniques - Simmom. From the time they are born, babies often tell you how they feel and what they need through sounds and body movements.

Stimulation Activities of Child Brain between 4 to 6 Months, Stimulation techniques - Simmom

You may notice that they use different cries to let you know they are tired, hungry or bored.1 Your baby’s brain is still not completely developed at the time of birth. The development of brain cells depends on the baby’s bonding with you and their surrounding environment. Also, your nurturing touch helps the baby to gain weight and develop healthy relationships.1 There are numerous stimulation techniques to promote your child’s brain development.2 Encourage your baby to learn and play with motor games and activities Give your baby a little tummy time. Importance and benefits of Stimulation for Kids Brain Development. The multi-dimensional domains of your child's development include the interdependence of cognitive-language, sensory-motor, and social-emotional development.1 The initial years during which your baby's brain development is taking place are particularly sensitive, displaying a remarkable capacity to absorb information and adapt to the surroundings.2 An early development of your child’s cognitive and non-cognitive domains at this stage is vital for an improved academic attainment, productivity and social functioning in adulthood.1 During this period, it is essential that you keep your child in an environment which offers stimulation for the brain thanks to an array of interesting things to do see, hear and touch.3 Stimulation techniques have many benefits:

Importance and benefits of Stimulation for Kids Brain Development

The role of a mother in enhancing the baby’s cognitive development. The environment in which a child grows up is also responsible for sculpting his/her brain.

The role of a mother in enhancing the baby’s cognitive development

The growth and development of a child is facilitated by providing care, responsiveness, and stimulation.1 Responding to babies with love and warmth makes them feel secure, loved and assured about the fulfilment of their needs.1 The more you interact with your young ones, the more rapid their development is.2 As a mother/caregiver, you play many roles in the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of your child.2 In fact, a child's cognitive skills are directly linked to the time spent with the mother. The following are the various maternal activities you can do to enhance your baby’s cognitive skills: References: World Health organisation.

Natural Vitamin E & DHA: Essential nutrients for your infant's brain development. Research has found that DHA helps in a baby’s cognitive or brain development, immunity and visual acuity.

Natural Vitamin E & DHA: Essential nutrients for your infant's brain development

Along with DHA, the nutrients that are required to enhance your baby’s brain development are Vitamin E, AA, Choline, Lutein and Taurine. Scientists have recently discovered the importance of the combination of Natural Vitamin E and DHA for brain development as it helps the brain produce more powerful connections in brain cells than just DHA alone.

The Vitamin E benefits for infants include powerful anti-oxidant properties that prevent any oxidative damage of DHA. This helps keep the DHA intact i.e the DHA is protected from damage, which in turn keeps the cognitive or brain development of the baby intact. Understanding Infant Cognition or Brain development.