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Langage Perl

SIPB IAP 2013 Perl Programming. - Perl programming news, code and culture. Programming documentation. Programmation fonctionnelle en Perl - Les opérateurs de listes. Ce tutoriel n'est pas destiné à enseigner la programmation Perl à des débutants, mais à introduire des techniques de programmation Perl relativement avancées qui supposent une assez bonne connaissance et une certaine expérience de la syntaxe de base de Perl. Les fonctions un peu avancées font l'objet de rappels de base permettant la compréhension des techniques employées, mais ne dispensent pas de consulter la documentation officielle.

Dans la préface de son excellent livre Higher Order Perl (HOP)Higher Order Perl (HOP), Mark-Jason Dominus remarque que les développeurs Perl tendent à « écrire du code C en Perl » (c'est-à-dire écrire du Perl comme si c'était du C). C'est une honte, ajoute-t-il, car Perl est bien plus expressif que le C. Nous pourrions faire bien mieux et utiliser Perl d'une façon dont les programmeurs C n'oseraient même pas rêver, mais nous ne le faisons pas la plupart du temps. my @tableau = map { $_ * 2 } 1..10; my @tableau = map { $_ * 2, $_ * 3, $_*4 } 1..5; 2-1. 2-2. Documentation Perl en français. Les Mongueurs de Perl. The Monastery Gates. When I looked for magic formulae, etc., I would give up after 20 minutes! -- Jasper Unlike Jasper, I have spent more than 20 minutes searching for magic formulae. Especially ancient Roman ones. I first became aware of them back in 2006 during the Fonality Christmas Golf Challenge where I was astonished by Ton's ingenuity and deviousness in constructing his original HART (Hospelian Arabic to Roman Transform) magic formula.

Shortly after the Fonality game, hosted an endless competition where you must convert the other way, from Roman to Decimal. To refresh your memory, the codegolf game rules were essentially: Convert a Roman numeral to its integer value. As you might expect, a key component of solutions to this game is mapping individual Roman letters to their decimal equivalents. Write a function to convert a single Roman Numeral letter to its decimal equivalent. To clarify, here's a sample (non-golfed) Perl solution: Running this program produces: The 10**21 Problem. Perl Beginners' Site. Consulting Perl Scripts Page. <table class="PageTitle" cellspacing="0" cellPadding="3" border="0" ><tr><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow">[ <a href="/">Home</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/services/">Services</a> | </td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/perl/">Perl</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/isapi/">ISAPI</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/libs/">Libraries</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/training/">Training</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/books/">Books</a> |</td><td align="middle" bgcolor="yellow"><a href="/contact/">Contact</a> ]</td></tr></table> There are many Perl programmers in the world.

So many, in fact, that there is probably someone who has already written a script which identifies a solution to a problem you may have. In an ideal world it would be easy to locate these individuals so that you could ask them how they solved your particular problem. Beginning Perl (free) - By Simon Cozens What does this book cover? Installing Perl on Windows and UNIX Making use of online Perl resources like CPAN First principles in programming and the Perl syntax Working with files and databases Writing web pages in Perl Using Perl as an object-oriented language Book overview Perl is a well-established programming language that has been developed through the time and effort of countless free software programmers into an immensely powerful tool that can be used on pratically every operating system in the world.

Perl started out as the "Swiss army knife" of computer languages and was used primarily by system administrators, but over time it's grown into an immensely robust language used by web-developers and programmers worldwide. It's also a great way to learn programming techniques and develop your own style of coding. "There's more than one way to do it" is the motto of Perl, but this book aims to take you through them all.

Who is this book for? The Perl Programming Language - Strawberry Perl for Windows.