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Facebook Twitter Now with new ReiserFS Support Explore2fs has been around for a long time now, and although I try and keep it up to date with the latest advances in linux storage, the time has come to redesign it to support these features from the ground up. Kernel mode drivers like ext2ifs also suffer from an inability to read LVM2 which is the default on a lot of distros now. Any new solution needs to solve this problem, and with a minimum of duplication. Current Features of Virtual Volumes: Planned Features of Virtual Volumes: More filesystems (HFS, ISO9660, NTFS, ...)More file based filesystems (.zip, .tgz etc)Accessable in native namespace to give filesystem drivers access to LVM2 and RAIDNT Kernel driver to enable IFS to read LVM2Apache module to make Virtual Volumes available via WEB-DAV.

Usage The interface to Virtual Volumes is slowly being develped. Running a Windows Partition in VMware - Oopsilon. I have my system partitioned into two: one part of the hard drive hosts a Windows XP partition, and the other runs Gentoo Linux. About a month ago, I was just about tired of having to reboot to switch between the two, so I decided to set up a VM for Windows. There was, however, a snag to this: I wanted to use the existing Windows installation, because I'd tuned it up and installed the software I always use. I expressly didn't want a virtual disk image duplicating my Windows drive, since I didn't have the space for that.

So, that was the task: running the Windows partition in a VM. I hunted around the 'Net, and found surprisingly little information on this: the procedure I finally threw together was sourced from many disparate places. What you'll need You'll need a few tools in order to pull the information you need, and to run the finished VM: VMware Player: The easiest way to get a finished VM running; all you need to do is point the VM information file at vmplayer, and you're good to go.

VirtualBox. Virtual Linux. rBuilder Online.