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How to backup MySQL databases, web server files to a FTP server automatically. This is a simple backup solution for people who run their own web server and MySQL database server on a dedicated or VPS server. Most dedicated hosting provider provides backup service using NAS or FTP servers. These service providers will hook you to their redundant centralized storage array over private VLAN. Since, I manage couple of boxes, here is my own automated solution. If you just want a shell script, go here (you just need to provided appropriate input and it will generate FTP backup script for you on fly, you can also grab my php script generator code). Making Incremental Backups With tar You can make tape backups. Where, -g: Create/list/extract new GNU-format incremental backup and store information to /var/log/tar-incremental.log file. Making MySQL Databases Backup mysqldump is a client program for dumping or backing up mysql databases, tables and data. Output: Enter password: brutelog cake faqs mysql phpads snews test tmp van wp FTPSSHRSYNCOther Commercial solutions #!

Automating FTP with ANT. This article describes how to automate the transfer of files between servers via FTP using the Java-based ANT build tool. I have been using ANT to do automated FTP for a number of years now, and will share some of the lessons and limitations I have discovered. ANT provides a FTP task. It requires the installation of two external libraries into ANT's \lib directory: Jakarta ORO and Jakarta Commons Net. The FTP task connects to a remote server via the FTP protocol and provides all the basic FTP operations: send files, get files, delete files, create directories, delete directories, and change permissions. For the full details on how to use the FTP task, see the ANT manual's entry on the FTP task. For my website, I use the FTP task to transfer my server logs to my local workstation for analysis. This task transfers the files named *.log from the directory /logs of the server ftp.server to the ${log.dir} directory on your local machine.

Ant User Manual.