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50 Beautiful CSS-Based Web-Designs in 2006. After Editorially: The Search For Alternative Collaborative Online Writing Tools I’m going to let you in on a little secret: the best writers, be it your favorite authors or those that write for Smashing Magazine, don’t do it alone. Often, they work with an editor (or two), who will help them coalesce their words into something more compelling or easier to understand. Having worked with several editors — and having been a technical editor myself — I’ve really come to appreciate this aspect of the writing process.

Refinement is an essential aspect of any creative process. Read more... What You Need To Know About WordPress 3.9 The latest version of WordPress named "Smith" was released yesterday which brings us another round of core changes. While the old widget interface set the standard for drag and drop UI when it was introduced, it was time for an overhaul. Read more... Understanding CSS Timing Functions Read more... Why You Should Get Excited About Emotional Branding Read more... Read more... Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux. When the original Suckerfish HoverLightbox was published, I was honestly surprised at the amount of attention it received. I was a fan of the technique, and I was also really glad that many people took the time to read the entire article instead of just playing with the demo and move on. One thing I was disappointed in, however, was the lack of attention to detail on my part in the demo and examples provided. Most of my time was put into testing the technique and determining if it was useful.

I have been meaning to revisit the technique and take another look at it, and recently I was able to do so. Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux Demo The Redux has a number of improvements, mostly visual, but some behavioral changes as well. Suckerfish Dropdowns are widely accepted and used by many developers in order to include a more comprehensive navigation in their various designs. Suckerfish HoverLightbox Redux (.zip) When I began work on the Suckerfish HoverLightbox, I started from the inside out. Body painting - guido daniele. Revolver | FiRE | Fast Image Rotation Engine By Tubatomic Studio.

Revolver can be used as a clean, simple way to showcase a design portfolio, sketchbook, photoblog, or simple image gallery. Uses abound. Be creative, invent your own. You’ll need a web server running at least PHP 4.0, an FTP client, and your imagination. Just upload a new image to your Revolver images folder via FTP following the Image Naming Scheme. That's it! Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer. HTML content that exceeds the size of the page Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus leo quis nisl. In lectus. Vivamus consectetuer pede in nisl. Mauris cursus pretium mauris.

Cras interdum accumsan diam. Nam auctor elementum dolor. Fusce a diam. Donec leo sem, commodo in, bibendum iaculis, euismod vitae, risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi augue felis, sollicitudin auctor, pulvinar in, sollicitudin tincidunt, neque. Phasellus ullamcorper. Vivamus quam arcu, volutpat eu, imperdiet ac, ultrices eu, lacus. Morbi pulvinar nisi venenatis lectus. Vestibulum id erat eget justo sodales suscipit. Mauris luctus. Etiam ac massa. Phasellus lorem erat, pulvinar eu, auctor in, nonummy quis, risus. Aenean molestie molestie sem. Etiam eget dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla malesuada augue non tortor. Duis vitae purus.