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Generate app icons of all sizes in a click! 2500 Flat Icons Vector Set Royalty Free. iOS Resolution Reference - iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch resolution, aspect ratios, icons sizes, and much more for iOS6 and iOS7. Développement IOS. iOS Tuto. iOS Design Kit – Library of iOS app templates and UI elements. iOS Cookies | iOS Cookies. My Development Toolset 2017 for iOS – iOS App Development. Hello Folks, I would like to introduce some toolset for 2017 that I use for iOS development tools, miscellaneous, services, websites and frameworks that I am currently using on Macbook.

This article will continue to be update all year. Some tools can be deleted some others not. Update: May 15 2017. Tools list update. Tools I can recommend GitKraken for GIT using. Podcast If you really have time to listen podcast this is my favorite Mac app PodcastMenu AppStories By Federico Viticci, John Voorhees, Check this out. Framework If I need fake data for my project I can recommend FakeryLocalizationKit Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift.Armchair is a simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and Mac OSX written in Swift.Siren checks installed version of iOS apps and notifies users when a new version published.SwiftGen is a code generator tool for auto-generating Swift code.Bohr allows us to setup settings screen.SwiftyJSON is captain of JSON parsing.

Swift JSON Tutorial - Fetching and Parsing JSON from URL. Parsing JSON in Swift 4 - Grok Swift. Swift 4 includes a new way to generate & parse JSON using the Codable protocol. It’ll get rid of some boilerplate, especially when the objects or structs in our code have a similar structure to the JSON that we use to talk to a web service. In many cases you’ll be able to avoid writing any code that explicitly parses or generates JSON, even if your Swift structs don’t exactly match the JSON structure. That means no more long, ugly toJSON() or init? (json: [String: Any]) functions.

Codable can also replace use of NSCoding when we want to serialize objects to write them to a file and read them back again. It can work with plists as easily as JSON and you can write your own custom encoders & decoders for different formats. Today let’s look at the simple case of converting an object or struct in our code to & from JSON. This tutorial uses Swift 4.0. Like in previous tutorials, we’ll use the super handy JSONPlaceholder API: The JSON structure of a Todo looks like: Convert a Single Item to JSON. Parcours Développeur·se d'application - iOS.

iOS Developer Nanodegree | Udacity. App Icon - Icons and Images - iOS Human Interface Guidelines. Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention in the App Store and stands out on the Home screen. Your icon is the first opportunity to communicate, at a glance, your app’s purpose. It also appears throughout the system, such as in Settings and search results. Embrace simplicity. Find a single element that captures the essence of your app and express that element in a simple, unique shape.

Provide a single focus point. Design a recognizable icon. Keep the background simple and avoid transparency. Use words only when they’re essential or part of a logo. Don’t include photos, screenshots, or interface elements. Don’t use replicas of Apple hardware products. Don’t place your app icon throughout the interface. Test your icon against different wallpapers. Keep icon corners square. App Icon Sizes Every app must supply both small and large app icons. Provide different sized small icons for different devices. Mimic your small app icon with your large app icon. Learn iOS Design. Learn colors, typography and layout for iOS Two years ago, Apple completely revamped their design language for the modern users.

It is now much simpler, allowing designers to focus on animations and function rather than intricate visual details. I've been asked many times how to get started in design and what are the shortcuts to become a better designer. While there is no silver bullet, there are however a number of tips and rules on designing for iOS that will affect the way you design universally. Even if you're designing for a totally different platform, the same design notions remain and you can apply the same techniques that you've learned on the Web and Print. iOS is a platform where design is going back to its roots. It feels like a modern magazine, with beautiful typography and simple layouts. The things you'll learn in this book will serve you tremendously well on your journey to design the best products anywhere. Core Philosophies Deference Simplify Maximize content Colors Clarity.

How To Install Xcode on Windows 7/8/10 for iOS SDK - Xcode. Home | Slidenjoy. Introducing Freddy, an Open-Source Framework for Parsing JSON in Swift. GitHub - Ramotion/animated-tab-bar at Networking | iOS Cookies. Perfect An application server which provides a framework for developing web and other REST services. vapor Elegant web framework for Swift that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu. Moya Network abstraction layer. Kitura Web framework and HTTP server by IBM. starscream Starscream is a conforming WebSocket RFC 6455 client library for iOS and OSX. Enjoy iOS Cookies? Consider making a small donation to help me keep the site running! Swifton A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework that runs on Linux and OS X. swifter Tiny http server engine. Zewo Venice based HTTP server(Linux ready). ResponseDetective A non-intrusive framework for intercepting any outgoing requests and incoming responses between your app and your server for debugging purposes. siesta iOS REST Client Framework Networking Simple HTTP Networking and NSURLSession wrapper with image caching support.

Blackfire A fast HTTP web server based on Node.js and Express that works on iOS, OS X, and Ubuntu. Express A simple, yet unopinionated web application server. Socks. GitHub - Alamofire/Alamofire: Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift. Top 10 iOS Swift libraries every iOS developer should know about | Infinum. Just like we mentioned in our Top 5 iOS libraries every iOS developer should know about article, GitHub and Bitbucket are great places to find open source iOS libraries. Tools like CocoaPods and Carthage can help you speed up installing and maintaining libraries you use in your projects, and in that way make project dependency management easy for you. 1. Alamofire When you want to abstract away and simplify networking in your app, Alamofire is the way to go. Alamofire is a HTTP networking library, built on top of NSURLSession and the Foundation URL Loading System. It nicely wraps networking mechanisms in an elegant and simple Swift interface. 2.

Explicit types in Swift make sure that we don't make mistakes in our code and cause bugs because of them. SwiftyJSON also plays very nice with Alamofire. 3. If you've ever written an app which downloads information via an API, you've probably spent a lot of time writing a code to map a response to your objects. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Custom Controls for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Cjwirth/awesome-ios-ui. The Android and iOS Alternative Library and Tool Collection. Before You Enroll - Apple Developer Program. Choosing a Membership - Support. UI Design Do's and Don'ts. Design+Code: Learn iOS design and Xcode. Build an iOS App. From Sketch to the App Store Building an app has never been this simple.

Sketch and Xcode makes the whole process approachable to both designers and developers. On one hand, Sketch has every template and tool designed for this type of work, and on the other hand, we have Xcode's Storyboard and Assets Catalog which allows you to quickly build a functional prototype. In 5 minutes, you can have something testable on your iPhone.

Storyboard is simple enough for designers to understand. In Storyboard, you work with multiple screens and connect them with a segue. Without a single line of code, you can drag things around to mock up screens. Prototyping in 2 minutes The beauty of Xcode is that it can be super simple. Get Started Xcode is completely free. Create a project To start a new project, simply select single page app and enter a name for your app. Sketch 3 Export In Chapter 2, we learned how to quickly create and export assets in Sketch 3. The Assets Catalog Storyboard The Objects library Fonts. Comment créer son compte développeur chez Apple ? La création d'une application nécessite l'ouverture d'un compte développeur chez Apple et / ou Android. A vous de voir si vous souhaitez publier votre application sur l'App Store et Google Play à la fois, ou si vous préférez publier une application iOS ou Android.

Mais, dans tous les cas, la création d'un compte développeur est un impératif avant de soumettre son application. C'est la raison pour laquelle, dans cet article nous allons vous expliquer les étapes à suivre pour créer un compte développeur Apple (Apple Developer Program). Comment choisir votre compte développeur ? La première chose à savoir est que l'inscription au Apple Developer Program est de 99€. Il s'agit d'un abonnement annuel. Rendez-vous sur le site Apple Developer Après, rendez-vous à cette URL : En fonction de vos besoins vous pouvez choisir entre : - Vous inscrire en tant qu'individu. Cliquez sur "Continue". Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la soumission de votre app iOS : TUTO Créez 15 applications avec iOS10 & Swift 3 - Formation Complète avec Swift sur