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HAPPY WOMAN MAGAZINE - A PARODY OF WOMEN'S MAGAZINES. By Margaret Neilson I think it was while I was pregnant with my daughter that my food obsession became evident. I put it down to normal cravings but four years after her birth I knew I couldn't do that anymore. I found myself thinking about food all the time--what I would have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks-- I was out of control. Before long I tipped the scales at a hefty 184. One day while I was shopping for a dress a very kind size one salesperson came up to me and said "There is nothing here for you. " My first realization was that food is not that important, it is only a very small part of a person's life.

(An unexpected bonus--my math skills have improved! I really want to spread the word and I am anxious to help people. I tell them that while they may be enjoying that 723 calorie fudge brownie, what they are really doing is letting food take over their life. I'll share some other tips that may help you in your battle: Advice: I'll be honest, it is difficult. Ms Magazine Blog. NEWSFLASH: N.Y. Fast-Food Workers to Get $15 Minimum Wage by Julia Robins · July 24, 2015 · 1 Comment “You cannot live and support a family on $18,000 in the State of New York, period,” said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) this week. “That’s why we have to raise the minimum wage.” And so they are, at least for fast-food employees working at chains with a minimum 30 U.S. locations.

On Wednesday, New […] No Comment: Target’s “Trophy” T-Shirt Is Sexist by Julia Robins · July 23, 2015 · 5 Comments Target is selling a shirt with the word “Trophy” printed across the front in big, bold letters—in its juniors section. (!) Becky Hammon Kicks Ass as NBA Summer League Coach. Werewolf. Reading the Maps. The Hand Mirror. Letters from Wetville.