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30 (and more) things every newbie should know before starting Second Life « SL for Nowt. Edit: OK, the number is increasing now. Scroll to the bottom for additional suggestions, credited to those that suggested them :) Just a list, as the items have come to me. No doubt the number of items will increase (got something you think should be on the list?

Leave a comment!) Hop behind the cut, for 30+ things every newbie should know before starting Second Life. 1 – Nobody can ‘kill’ your avatar. 2 – If anyone tells you they are ‘a Linden’ or that they work for ‘the Lindens’ or for Second Life, unless they have the SURNAME of ‘Linden’ and their profile (right-click on them and select ‘profile’) has, under the ‘Account’ section, the words ‘Linden Lab Employee’ – they are LYING. 3 – If you feel at all uncomfortable, then simply teleport away. 4 – The first place you teleport to after leaving Help Island when you first arrive will be the place that is set as your Home location, until you change it. 10 – You don’t have to do anything in Second Life that you don’t want to. Like this: ANR-RIAM Solipsis - Opensource Decentralized Metaverse.

Main Page. CobaltWorlds.