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Appliance installation tutorial with VirtualBox. Note: this tutorial is quite dated.

Appliance installation tutorial with VirtualBox

In essence it should still be totally relevant however some of the VBox options may have changed and some of the TKL options and screenshots may not be quite the same as noted here. If you have any issues, please post in the Support section of the forums. Getting Started Installing to a VirtualBox VM (Virtual Machine) is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get up and running with TurnKey Linux.

The open source edition of VirtualBox can be downloaded for free from the VirtualBox website. VirtualBox Virtual Appliances. Cloning and Copying VirtualBox virtual machines « Stuart’s Notes. Change History2013-12-08: Updates. 2011-09-22: Updates. 2008-11-03: Updates. 2008-11-01: First draft.

Cloning and Copying VirtualBox virtual machines « Stuart’s Notes

This article explains how to clone and copy VirtualBox VMs (virtual machines). The techniques described in this article were tested on a Windows XP Pro SP2 host operating system using VirtualBox version 2.0.4. The details may vary if you use a Linux or some other host OS. Introduction Cloning and copying VirtualBox VMs is not as straight forward or obvious as it is with VMWare Desktop and this subject has created a lot of confusion in the support forums.