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Lastnightsparty. Sexy toying girlfriend gets anal stuffed hard. Tucked In. Aysha's Rabbit Hole. CRIOLLOGLAM. Gazed and confused. Zuan Carreño's Diary. @daniela_boterony @studiofcolombia #Colombiamoda2013 29 July 2013 with 2 notes Backstage Colombiamoda 2013Film by Zuan Carreñoinstagram @zuanfoto 25 July 2013 #backstage video #Colombiamoda2013 #pasarela @caroaldea con @anagabrieladuque #grupo4co.

Zuan Carreño's Diary

Fashion Monitor. CRIOLLOGLAM. Ana Lorenzana / Home. The Daniel Frischmann's Blog. Main Page - Voguepedia. PEPO FERNÁNDEZ - inicio. We Love Models » WOMENCHILE. Viste la Calle. Waterloo + Fernando Hereñu AKA Pulpo - Retro, Vintage, Rock, Movies and Art T-Shirts, Tees, T Shirts, Bags, Hoodies, Sandals, Cushions & more!

MONNIER Frères – Women’s luxury accessories store. Unique Jewelry, Ladies Handbags & Fashion Accessories. FCUK: French Connection UK - Women's and Men's Fashion Clothing Online. Little things: Big Difference. Kläder, Skor, Klänningar & Underkläder. Love your style! INTIMATE DETAILS by Alex Hoyos. Cupcake look. Lista de Productos. Uhlalá beachwear. Fahion Monsters. 'SHOWROOMS' EN BOGOTÁ. Foto.


Cortesía Matucha. Ya sea por falta de recursos para tener un local propio o por el interés de los diseñadores en ofrecer un servicio más personalizado, lo cierto es que la modalidad de 'showroom' cada vez toma más fuerza entre los creadores independientes en Bogotá. El 'showroom' usualmente es un taller, oficina o estudio artístico, adecuado para que las personas puedan ver las prendas y recibir además retroalimentación por parte del diseñador. A diferencia de un almacén normal, los 'showrooms' no están abiertos en horario fijo: solo están disponibles para los compradores que pidan una cita previa, a menudo antojados de lo que vieron en las páginas web de las marcas. "(el showroom) hace que la compra sea mucho más íntima, pues te permite dedicarle más tiempo a cada persona: interactuar con ella, y conocer más a fondo su gusto y su estilo", explica Laura Chavarro, artista y diseñadora de la marca Bling Bling Trash.

A New Cross Dirección: Cra 17 # 36 - 61 Citas previas al: 313 450 9545. Revista LOfficiel Brasil – Tudo sobre luxo, moda, beleza, lifestyle e Erika Palomino. THE EDUCATION OF AMY BY ALEX MACPHERSON on MixThinkZone™ Our #blogoftheweek is Pari Dust chosen by our juniors editor Sarah Owen.

Sarah says: "Pari Dust is a unique and conceptual effort by Pari Ehsan who seamlessly integrates the world of art and fashion by dressing to match her surroundings" Photography by Tylor Hou via Pari Dust This interior is completely covered in neon pink paper. A great show by @HEADGENEVE #milan2014 which runs until 13th April Cisco Brothers continues its eclectic Southern California boho style at High Point Market, North Carolina. Tonal colour menswear merchandising in-store at Metersbonwe. WGSN store shot, Beijing Do you love dogs… ALOT? Merging product into the window display at Jigsaw, Spitalfields. WGSN store shot, London We just visited the Samsonite press day, where we saw the new ranges just released. Tomorrow we’re hosting our #wgsnhangout catwalks edition with our senior catwalks team Sue Evans and Jayne Bibby.

Awesome detachable denim dress at Seoul Fashion Week! 2FACED1. GLASTONBURY last Sunday was hotter than July!


Thank god for that, I wasn't about wellies... But hell it was muddy, we were just there over the day and I'm kind of happy for that - even though my mum is daughter of an old school farmer! Robyn got nubuck top from WACKERHAUS and some really ace earrings you don't need to have any holes for, by GEORG JENSEN. Lina Diaz. En mayo los colombianos invirtieron $914.467 millones en vestuario. Republicana - Otoño Invierno 2011. BLOGS DE MODA COLOMBIANOS. La Internet y los blogs revolucionaron el mundo de la moda, al democratizar las tendencias y mostrar diferentes perspectivas sobre el estilo.


En el mundo son famosos los ejemplos de Facehunter y The Sartorialist, pero en Colombia también encontramos varios blogueros que le apuestan a nuevas miradas sobre la moda. Como una aparicion Sin pretensiones, este blog pretende convertirse en una galería de personas que se destacan por un estilo diferente y original. The Good Closet. Tell us about five8ths, your Baltimore-based clothing business.

The Good Closet

What inspired you to start up? I’ve had a passion for clothing and fashion design from a young age, but my path has also wandered through the worlds of art, sociology, costume design, and Montessori. On my honeymoon trip to Mali in 2006, I saw for the first time an example of how to work in fashion and not sacrifice my ideals. Each person wore a unique garment, custom designed and often made from colorful wax printed cottons. Independently-owned custom clothing-maker’s shops dotted nearly every street in Bamako. After teaching in public Montessori for five years, I had the chance to live in South Africa last year where my husband was working. What pieces are you most excited about in your line right now?

I am always most excited about the latest design I’ve drafted, or even just the latest shirt that I’ve sewn. Do you work out of a home studio? Yes. There’s a relationship between you and your client. Style – Watch Zombie Boy Erase His Tattoos With Makeup. Zombie Boy Rick Genest gets his tattoos covered up by three makeup artists.Photo: Courtesy of DermablendPro's YouTube So, we've ALWAYS wondered what Lady Gaga's "Born This Way' muse Zombie Boy aka Rick Genest looked like without tattoos.

Style – Watch Zombie Boy Erase His Tattoos With Makeup

It's hard to not wonder considering he's completely covered in skeleton tats. LET THEM EAT CAKE.