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How to Forecast Weather. Ever wondered how to forecast the weather without actually using instruments? Check the Clouds: Clouds can tell us a lot about the weather. For example, they can tell us if it’s going to be warmer on a particular night by simply being there. That’s because they prevent heat radiation from escaping. They can also tell you whether there will be rain and whether there will be bad weather in general (when you see clouds moving in opposite directions of each other).

Check the Humidity: If you’re one of those people whose hair gets all curly when it gets really humid out, you know exactly what this is about. Check the Animals: Birds only fly in the sky when they expect fair weather ahead. Look at the Rainbow (but only in the west) and look for a Red Sky: If you see one in the west, it means a major storm front is coming. Check the Air: If it smells like a compost heap, expect some rain soon. Check the Moon: Seen any red moons lately? Check the Wind: A Few More Ideas: Homesteading. 12 Great Ways To Use Castile Soap. Make sure you like Herbs & Oils World on Facebook to be updated every time we find a fantastic tutorial for exciting and innovative ways you can use herbs and essential oils.

12 Great Ways To Use Castile Soap

Castile soap is a fantastic natural product that can be used in so many different DIY beauty recipes and DIY cleaning products. Castile soap is a “true soap” and not merely a chemical detergent so it is biodegradable and earth friendly! Want to try castile soap? You can buy all sorts of different scents from this page on Amazon. It can be used to make all sorts of products, including: shampoo, laundry detergent, tub scrub, body wash, dog shampoo and much more. To see recipes for 12 homemade products using castile soap, read the full blog post… How to make roses from maple leaves. What can you do with an old pallet?

So many things!

What can you do with an old pallet?

If you ever come across the opportunity to pick up a few pallets take a look at some of the ideas I have come across for recycling old pallets into furniture and other practical and decorative pieces. I would like to mention that the designs below were found at various sources on the Internet. Where possible I have mentioned the original source, but unfortunately too many do not. If you are the original designer for any of the furniture below, please let me know so that I can add your details. Make furniture for your home ABOVE: Mobius Living take pallets to a new level, offering clients the opportunity to buy ready-made coffee tables. ABOVE and BELOW: Who would have thought that a humble pallet could be transformed into so many practical pieces. ABOVE: All it takes is a few reclaimed timber pallets to make up your own living room furniture In the kitchen ABOVE and BELOW: Don't stop there... In the bedroom In the garden Pallets for pets Find and prepare your pallet.

Freeze & Preserve Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil. I found a great method to freeze & preserve fresh herbs in olive oil.

Freeze & Preserve Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil

Preserving herbs in oil reduces some of the browning and freezer burn that herbs can get in the freezer. It’s also a great way to have herbs ready immediately for winter stews, roasts, soups, and potato dishes. 8 Steps for Freezing Herbs in Oil Choose firm, fresh herbs, ideally from the market or your own garden.If you wish, you can chop them fine. Or leave them in larger sprigs and leaves. Source: Thekitchn.