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Herbs. Organic Herbs and Flowers. A list of each Herb that is good for you!!! Benefits of Herbs for Chicken Health. The trends of taste among people have been changing quite drastically.

Benefits of Herbs for Chicken Health

In older days, people use to give priority to vegetables more as compared to meat food. But now it’s the opposite. And in this, the usage of chicken has been in the top of the list. The increase in the consumption of chicken by people belonging to different countries has led to the proper farming of chicken in order to fulfill the daily needs. But this farming has also raised some medical issues in respect of chicken health due to not handling them properly. Herbs for chicken As we all are well aware that chickens eat green plants for their survival. Antibacterial Herbs For Clearing Sinus Infections. A sinus infection, also called sinusitis, may be caused by a virus or a bacteria.

Antibacterial Herbs For Clearing Sinus Infections

Most of the time, according to, antibiotics are not necessary to treat sinusitis because the infection usually clears up on its own. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns against using antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, because overuse can lead to antibiotic resistance. If you are suffering from the symptoms of a sinus infection, which include nasal congestion, a headache, drainage from the nose and a cough, try to treat your condition at home.

If you develop a high fever, severe pain, confusion, a worsening of symptoms or swelling around your eyes, see your doctor promptly. Moisten your nasal passages to help relieve congestion, recommends Apply a hot, wet washcloth to your forehead and cheeks. Drink plenty of fluids to help thin nasal secretions. Take over-the-counter medications to relieve your symptoms as needed, suggests Herbs for Pain Relief and Sleep: How to Make All Natural Pain and Sleeping Pills. If you’ve ever experienced sleepless nights…you understand the extreme frustration that insomnia creates.

Herbs for Pain Relief and Sleep: How to Make All Natural Pain and Sleeping Pills

The plague of sleeplessness has crossed time and cultures — and throughout it all, there have been several all-natural remedies created based on herbs known to help induce a restorative sleep. So in classic fashion, with my knowledge of the adaptogenic and sedative class of herbs, I undertook the challenge of creating herbal sleep-aids that would rival any of the prescription strength sleep-aids available. In my experience, there have been three extremely powerful natural remedies that have transformed the way I — and my family – sleep. And those have been: With the growing number of people in the United States without health insurance — coupled with the rising cost of prescription medicine – all to often those who suffer from insomnia are forced to pay extremely high costs for sleep-aids. DIY herb pyramid. Freeze & Preserve Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil. I found a great method to freeze & preserve fresh herbs in olive oil.

Freeze & Preserve Fresh Herbs in Olive Oil

Preserving herbs in oil reduces some of the browning and freezer burn that herbs can get in the freezer. It’s also a great way to have herbs ready immediately for winter stews, roasts, soups, and potato dishes. 8 Steps for Freezing Herbs in Oil Choose firm, fresh herbs, ideally from the market or your own garden.If you wish, you can chop them fine. Or leave them in larger sprigs and leaves. Source: Thekitchn. Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea. Previously we discussed a few things to help us focus on developing the habit of healthy living — click here to read that post.

Herbs for Weight Loss: A Recipe for Slimming Herbal Tea

Today, I’d love to talk specifics and share a few of my most favorite herbs for weight loss, detoxification, and over all well-being. But first let me say… …herbs should not be considered a magical solution to anyone’s weight-loss efforts! Nonetheless, I do believe that they play a huge role — most effectively in the role of appetite suppression and detoxification. There are several different herbs that have improven to increase metabolism and/or suppress the appetite — naturally helping us achieve our weight loss goals.

Just be careful — please note…this statement is my disclaimer — with any information you read (yes, even this information that I am sharing with you today) regarding herbs with weight loss claims. The Best Weight Loss Herbs. Herbal Facial Recipe. Medicinal Herbs. Grow a Medicinal Herb Garden; Help bees. By Steven FosterThe Herb Companion Save time and money by stocking your backyard or windowsill gardens with five basic medicinal herbs.

Grow a Medicinal Herb Garden; Help bees

These superstars will treat common ailments such as colds and flu, inflammation, minor cuts, infections, pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, poor digestion and insomnia. Every medicinal herb garden should include chamomile, yarrow, lemon balm, Echinacea and peppermint. These five basics are safe and effective for the vast majority of people when used as simple teas, poultices or salves. Echinacea: Super Immune-Booster Echinacea products are among the top-selling herbs in health-food stores. The seeds of E. purpurea germinate readily, or plants can be easily propagated by dividing the roots. While most references suggest using Echinacea root for medicinal use, I make a tea of the fresh or dried flowers of E. purpurea: the chemical constituents of the flowers are similar to those of the root.

Chamomile: Gentle Yet Powerful Yarrow: First Aid in the Garden. Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs. Welcome to Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs.

Purple Sage Medicinal Herbs

This website is maintained by a Medical Herbalist as an information resource for those interested in medicinal herbs and their applications, including students of complementary and alternative medicine, botanists, gardeners, cooks, and anyone wanting to learn more about traditional herbal medicine. If you are intending to use herbal medicines yourself you should first read the safety statement.

Site Contents Herb Profiles: An expanding database of monographs on individual herbs and their medicinal uses. These can be located by either the Common or Botanical name and are accompanied by a glossary of medical terminology used in the text. Treatments: This section deals with a selection of common ailments and possible herbal treatments. 15 most effective medicinal herbs that you can plant in your garden space. The medicines that we see today, including the heavy antibiotics and the normal syrups, never existed century ago.

15 most effective medicinal herbs that you can plant in your garden space

However, people since inception have been taking a different form of medications for illness and other health problems. The power of herbal medicines cannot be overlooked at point time – prior to all the modern medicines, these herbal medicines even cured deadly diseases. Once again, pharmacy is going into the herbal era to explore and bring out the human health benefits. This is because of the ease of use and yes, the affordability and the power to heal almost every human health disorder. Unfortunately, we lack medicinal plant information and that is why never think of having some quick doctors (medicinal plants) at home.

Are herbal remedies safe? This excerpt deals with the most common medicinal plants and their uses – moreover, you would get to know about the list of medicinal plants which can easily been grown at home. 1) Aloe Vera: