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Agriculture. Rabbits. Getting a Family Cow … Lots to Consider. By Diane Schivera So you’re thinking of getting a family cow. You’ve probably thought of many good reasons: fresh milk 10 months of the year, cream to do with as decadently as you want, peaceful moments in the barn with your head resting against the flank of the cow while milking and letting the rest of the world go by. But there are other points to consider. You will have to milk twice a day 10 months of the year. So consider the time required to keep a cow: Milking – 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night Feeding – 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night Pasturing – 1 or 2 minutes, if you have wired runs from the barn to the pastures Straining and cooling milk – 5 minutes to wash, fill and date bottles Washing utensils – 5 to 10 minutes Separating the cream and cleaning up – 10 to 15 minutes daily or every other day Making butter – 30 minutes (Add more time for making other products.)

Cleaning the barn and removing manure – about 15 minutes What Breed? Feeding Housing Storage. Raise Small-breed Milk Cows. In 2006, Pat Schout and his wife, Elia, began homesteading in east-central Illinois. They wanted to raise their own food, including dairy products. They considered a milk cow, but didn’t know if they’d have enough pasture for a full-size cow and weren’t sure if they could manage all the milk a single cow can produce. A neighbor had discussed the option of small-breed beef cattle, and that gave the Schouts the idea to raise their own small-breed dairy cattle. They started with Jerseys (because of the high butterfat content of their milk) and are now working toward breeding miniature Holsteins. Miniature cows cost $1,800 to $3,500 depending on the size, markings and color. How small are small-breed Jerseys? Miniature cattle are classified in three categories as measured by height at the hip.

How much milk do they give? A standard-size milk cow in peak production can give 6 to 10 gallons of milk per day. We make vanilla ice cream, mozzarella cheese, yogurt and butter. No.


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