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ASP MVC Email Contact Form - Download: ASPMVCEmailContactForm. Full SQL Injection Tutorial (MySQL) Programming Entity Framework: DbContext - O'Reilly Media. The book is written thinking to the developers which are using Entity Framework in their projects and have, of course, at least some experience in .NET and Database Programming, so if you are a beginner this is not the book for you but if you want to know every advanced techniques of the new API's, this book will be a great resource in your daily work. The authors, after a thorough analysis of API DbContext and after dealing with the practical aspects of writing query with LINQ To Entities, focus their attention on the study of the new API's like Change Tracker and Validation, teaching us on every aspects of this technology. Then they show us about operations that can be performed with Change Tracker API, including refreshing an entity from the database and other examples about solving common problems with our applications.

Finally discusses advanced programming problems covering some functionality like Derived Types, Automated Testing and Rargeted Multiple Contexts. Programming Entity Framework: Code First - O'Reilly Media. ASP.NET MVC Application Using Entity Framework Code First in C# for Visual Studio 2013. Dynamically Load Bootswatch Themes | KarlZ. This post shows how I dynamically load a user’s selected theme in an MVC 5 application that’s using Bootstrap and Bootswatch. App_Themes Folder I didn’t use use that… So you can skip this section if you like. In the past, different themes were placed in different folders and you could just enumerate the subdirectories in ~/App_Themes. But Bootswatch doesn’t use that. Bootswatch Install Location Bootswatch places two files in your ~/Content folder: 1) bootstrap. Available Themes Code So I just search that directory and look for all the files matching the “bootstrap.*.min.css” pattern and let the user select the one they want.

AvailableThemes /// <summary>/// Helps find available themes so the user can choose one. Then the Razor File This is the code from the Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml file (toward the top). _Layout.cshtml @{ ViewBag.Title = "Google Maps Filter"; //Layout = null; // Get the user's saved theme. var savedThemeName = SettingsController.GetTheme(Request); // Validate the theme. GitHub - jstedfast/MailKit: A cross-platform .NET library for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. Twitter bootstrap - How to dynamically change themes after clicking a drop down menu of themes. .net. Core. ASP.NET MVC 5 Security And Creating User Role. In this article we will see how to use ASP.NET Identity in MVC Application for creating user roles and display the menu depending on user roles. A few members asked me to write an article on ASP.NET MVC security and so I planned to create a series of articles.

In this series we will see: In this article we will see how to use ASP.NET Identity in MVC Application for creating user roles and displaying the menu depending on user roles. Here we will see how to: Create default admin role and other roles.Create default admin users.Add Username for new User Registration.Select User Role during User Registration.Change Login Email with User Name.Display Role Creation Menu only for Admin User.Display message for normal user.Redirect Unauthenticated users to default home page. Authorization Once the user is authenticated he needs to be redirected to the appropriate page by his role. Prerequisites Visual Studio 2015: You can download it from here. Using the code Select MVC and click OK. Web.Config. How to Send Emails in ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Steve Gordon. ASP.NET Core 1.0 is a reboot of the ASP.NET framework which can target the traditional full .NET framework or the new .NET Core framework.

Together ASP.NET Core and .NET Core have been designed to work cross platform and have a lighter, faster footprint compared to the current full .NET framework. Many of the .NET Core APIs are the same as they are in the full framework and the team have worked hard to try and keep things reasonably similar where it makes sense and is practical to do so. However, as a consequence of developing a smaller, more modular framework of dependant libraries and most significantly making the move to support cross platform development and hosting; some of libraries have been lost.

Take a look at this post from Immo Landwerth which describes the changes in more detail and discusses considerations for porting existing applications to .NET Core. I’ve been working with ASP.NET Core for quite a few months now and generally I have enjoyed the experience. Summing Up. ASP.NET MVC User Role Base Menu Management Using WEB API And AngularJS. Before starting this article kindly go through my previous article ASP.NET MVC 5 Security and Creating User Role .

It explains in detail about ASP.NET Identity and creating User Role In this article we will see how to create and manage a User Role based Menu using ASP.NET MVC, WEB API and AngularJS. Here we will see how to, Menu management by Admin (Only Admin user can View All / Create /Delete and Edit Menu).Create Menu by User Role (Admin can create menu by selecting User Role)Show and Hide Dynamic Menu and Sub Menu by User RoleDynamically Display Menu by User Role (Here we have mentioned as Dynamic menu as in every page or in Master Page we will be loading menu from data base and display the menu to each user by their role).

Why we need to create a Dynamic Menu If we are working on a simple web site creation with very few pages and only one programmer is working to create a website then in that case we can create a static menu and use it in our web site. Who can manage the Menu Code part.