Scarlet Paolicchi
Nashville Mom Blogger. Sharing all things family related- parenting, recipes, crafts, family fun, home decor, and family travel.
Why Have Kids Write A Letter Of Apology For Bad Behaviour. We are all human and we all make mistakes.
An important life lesson is learning to recognize our mistakes and apologize for them. This shows that we are capable of self-reflection, empathy, and learning from our errors. On occasion, this can be a hard lesson for even us adults. It is important to teach your kids to say, “I’m sorry”, and mean it. Learning to take accountability for their actions is a lesson that will serve them well throughout life. You see, in my house, when I prompt my school-aged kids for an apology after they’ve done something they shouldn’t have, I sometimes get an insincere and sassy “SAR-REEE” in return. It may not too much to expect, but it may require a change in approach. Sometimes an apology letter is way more useful to show what the full meaning behind the words “I’m sorry”, really are.
How To Write A Letter Of Apology For Bad Behaviour You want an apology letter to own the mistake, say sorry, and ask for forgiveness. A letter of apology takes thought. Home - Highlights Parents. Parenting Alternatives to Spanking. National Spank Out Day is April 30th.
Lots of people don’t want to spank their children, but they don’t know what to do instead. With that in mind, I’d like to share an excerpt from Crystal Lutton‘s book, Grace-Based Living to offer some constructive alternatives to spanking children. She also answers questions about whether spanking kids is OK and answers how else you can teach them who is boss. How many spanks should a child get? None. 5 Positive Parenting Tips That Make Parenting Easier. Positive parenting is an approach that is built on mutual respect and treating your child as a person with feelings and the ability to think and make decisions.
The positive parenting approach means saying good-bye to “because I said so” and instead, modeling good communication skills. Parenting Tips for Toddlers To Reduce Frustration. If you’re the parent of a toddler, you know it can be challenging.
Toddlers are starting to test their independence, figure out what they want (and what they don’t), and they’re pushing the limits of your patience for fun. This is also the time when toddlers are starting to learn what the rules are and that there are consequences for not following them. With some patience, mindful parenting, and conscious thought about how you react to situations, both you and your toddler will get through this learning time. With these parenting tips for toddlers, you will even cherish these years that pass so quickly.
Be Loving First and foremost, always show your child love and affection. Limit the Rules If there are too many rules, your toddler will have a difficult time remembering and following them all. Know Their Limits One of the most important parenting tips for toddlers is understanding that your toddler’s attention span is much shorter than yours. Choose Your Battles Offer Choices Related Post: Encouraging Independence In Toddlers. According to Psychology Today, one of a parent’s biggest responsibilities is to teach your child independence.
While your child will not fully be independent until they reach adulthood, it is important to ensure your child learns how to do things on their own as they develop. This should be an easy process if you support it, because toddlers love learning new skills and enjoy doing things on their own. Here are seven activities for encouraging independence in toddlers. Encouraging independence in toddlers starts with just embracing a new mindset. It is often tough for busy parents to allow toddlers to do things for themselves, even though it takes longer and won’t be as perfect as when the parent does it! Teaching New Skills Every Week. Family focus blog, family travel, business for kids. Tired of Being the Maid? Try A Family Cleaning Schedule.
Ever feel more like a maid than a parent?
To change your family’s attitude toward cleaning and give yourself a break, try implementing a family cleaning schedule. It is time to get everyone to do their fair share. Additionally, I share 6 useful tips for raising a tidy family. You go from room to room, cleaning up after your kids and making the house look nice, and by the time you’re done they’ve messed it up again. Many parents make the mistake of doing all the household chores themselves, either because they want them done a certain way or because they are tired of battles with the kids.
10 Benefits of Spending Time With Family. There is not an investment wiser than spending quality time with family.
The word “family” is a collective term. In other words, it is not just a couple of individuals living together under the same roof, but a group of people who are connected and share good as well as bad times. Inspirational Family Quotes About Strength and Love. I love reading inspirational quotes.
Sometimes words just hit you in a way that really connects with you. I have been searching out and saving up inspirational quotes about many topics and saving them to my Impactful Words Pinterest Board for several years. Today, I thought I would share some of my favorite inspirational family quotes with you. Family Focus Blog. Family Focus Blog.