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Dubai | Cosmic Healing Centre | Meditation Centre | Healing Center. مكتبة الجليس - مكتبة الكترونية و كتب للتحميل. اللاسلكي البيولوجي وقيادات "الربيع العربي" Barun_Valley_-_Nghe.jpg (JPEG Image, 1980 × 1882 pixels) - Scaled (38. The Conventional Military. Anthony H. Cordesman Iran’s conventional army, navy and air force are severely limited in capability, but are strong enough to create major problems for any invasion. Overview Iran is sometimes described as the “Hegemon of the Gulf,” but it is a comparatively weak conventional military power with limited modernization since the Iran–Iraq War.

It depends heavily on weapons acquired by the shah. But Iran is proficient at irregular warfare. Iran’s acquisition of long-range missiles from North Korea and development of its own liquid- and solid-fueled missiles has given it a strike capability that partly compensates for the weakness of its air force. Force strength Total forces: 500,000 to 525,000, including Revolutionary Guards. The status of Iran’s military Estimates of Iran’s military differ significantly. Iran’s land forces Iran’s land forces are large by regional standards, with some 350,000 men in the army and 100,000 in the IRGC land forces. Iran’s air and air defense forces The future.

Crisis Guide:Iran - OVERVIEW. Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) | US Army War College. Over three centuries of scholarly publishing. Aura, Human Energy Field, nadis, chakras, subtle bodies | Heart of Healing. Nadis, chakras, subtle bodies… The “aura” or “human energy field” is a field of energy which surrounds and penetrates the body. The aura underlies and supports the functioning of the body. Contained within the aura are the energetic aspects of every structure and function of the body, as well as everything that we experience (physical sensations, thoughts, feelings, states of consciousness, etc.)

Energy flows through the energy field through fine channels, or nadis, which are themselves composed of energy. Where many nadis cross, energy centers (or “chakras”) are formed. As major “hubs” of energy distribution, the chakras direct the energy which vitalizes the nerves and glands and ultimately all of the structures of the body. It is through the energy field that we are connected with everyone and everything else that exists. How do we know the human energy field exists? Many possible models Why models differ Healers may need to create their own models. Sutta & Sutra - Urban Dharma. The Visuddhimagga / The Path of Purification Buddhaghosa - Translated by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli The Visuddhimagga or The Path of Purification, is a Theravada Buddhist commentary written by Buddhaghosa approximately in 430 CE in Sri Lanka. It is considered the most important Theravada text outside of the Tipitaka canon of scriptures. The Visuddhimagga is a systematic examination and condensation of Buddhist doctrine and meditation technique.

The various teachings of the Buddha found throughout the Pali canon are organized in a clear, comprehensive path leading to the final goal of nibbana, the state of complete purification. Originally composed in the fifth century, this new translation provides English speakers insights into this foundational text. The Path of Freedom / Vimuttimagga Arahant Upatissa The Vimuttimagga - Probably written in Pali in Sri Lanka during the first century AD, the Vimuttimagga survived only in Chinese translation, from which the present rendering has been made. Can meditation change your brain? Contemplative neuroscientists believe it can.

From CNN's Dan Gilgoff: Can people strengthen the brain circuits associated with happiness and positive behavior, just as we’re able to strengthen muscles with exercise? Richard Davidson, who for decades has practiced Buddhist-style meditation – a form of mental exercise, he says – insists that we can. And Davidson, who has been meditating since visiting India as a Harvard grad student in the 1970s, has credibility on the subject beyond his own experience. A trained psychologist based at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he has become the leader of a relatively new field called contemplative neuroscience - the brain science of meditation. Over the last decade, Davidson and his colleagues have produced scientific evidence for the theory that meditation - the ancient eastern practice of sitting, usually accompanied by focusing on certain objects - permanently changes the brain for the better.

“Strengthening neural systems is not fundamentally different,” he says. Urban Dharma - Buddhism in America. Mindfulness in Plain English - 5 to 6. Chapter 5 The Practice Although there are many subjects of meditation, we strongly recommend you start with focusing your total undivided attention on your breathing to gain some degree of shallow concentration.

Remember that you are not practicing a deep absorption or pure concentration technique. You are practicing mindfulness for which you need only a certain degree of shallow concentration. You want to cultivate mindfulness culminating in insight and wisdom to realize the truth as it is. You want to know the working of your body-mind complex exactly as it is. The mind cannot be purified without seeing things as they really are. When we use this phrase in reference to insight gained from our meditation, what we mean is not seeing things superficially with our regular eyes, but seeing things with wisdom as they are in themselves. At another time, we may have a certain emotion such as, resentment, fear, or lust. If we are sick, we must find out the cause of our sickness. Our Goal 1. 2. The Basic Method of Meditation by Ajahn Brahmavamso - Dharmaweb.

From Dharmaweb By Ajahn Brahmavamso (Edited from a talk given by Ajahn Brahmavamso during a 9-day retreat in North Perth, Western Australia, December 1997) Contents Part 1 Sustained attention on the present moment Part 2 Silent awareness of the present moment Silent present momemt awareness of the breath Full sustained attention on the breath Part 3 Full sustained attention on the beautiful breath Experiencing the beautiful Nimitta First Jhāna Part 1 "The goal of this meditation is the beautiful silence, stillness and clarity of mind" Meditation is the way to achieve letting go. Often with meditation, there will be some hard work at the beginning, but be willing to bear that hard work knowing that it will lead you to experience some very beautiful and meaningful states.

Effort alone, though, is not sufficient. In order to know where your effort should be directed, you must have a clear understanding of the goal of meditation. I describe this as developing your mind like a padded cell! Part 2. Top 10 Must Have Cydia Sources of 2012 | Jaxov. Now that the iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak is finally out, it is safe to say that you should now be ready for some downloading frenzy of jailbreak tweaks and apps. But before you can download and install any free, premium or cracked jailbreak apps, you need to add the proper Cydia repositories. Today, we will be providing you the list of the top 10 Cydia sources or repositories for the year 2012.

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Emirates 'has security links with Israel' The United Arab Emirates, an economic giant and rising military power in the Persian Gulf, is reported to have discreet ties with private security companies in Israel to protect its oil fields and borders. The Intelligence Online Web site reports that the country's Critical National Infrastructure Authority has had business dealings with several Israeli firms since it was established in 2007, even though the emirates has no diplomatic relations with the Jewish state. "Trade between the two countries, principally in the area of security, amounted to nearly $300 million last year," Intelligence Online reported Jan. 12. CNIA is based in Abu Dhabi, the main oil-rich emirate in the federation. It's the capital of the United Arab Emirates and handles the federation's military and security affairs. That contract was reportedly worth $800 million.

"Fearing irreparable consequences for its relations with Abu Dhabi, the Israeli Defense Ministry is trying to come up with a solution. " الاستراتيجية الأمريكية الجديدة في العالم. إذا انتظرنا إلى أن يتحقق التهديد فسننتظر طويلاً. هذا قول بوش أمام البرلمان الألماني يستعجل إطلاق ما اسماه باستراتيجية الضربات الوقائية، وهي استراتيجية جديدة تحاول الولايات المتحدة أن تتبناها لتحقق بها مزيداً من التوسع والهيمنة في العالم. هذه النزعة ازدادت ضراوة مع وصول بوش الابن للإدارة، ولكنها بدأت تتبلور مع نهاية الحرب الباردة عندما راحت تتفشى طروحات الهيمنة المكشوفة والاعتماد على القوة المتفوقة كواحدة من أهم أدوات السياسة الخارجية الأمريكية، ولم يخف الرئيس بوش وطاقمه في الإدارة منذ البداية نزوعه إلى احتضان هذا التوجه، بل انتماءه لهذا الخندق حين سارع لرفع لواء التفرد والتفوق باعتبارهما حقاً وامتيازاً خاصين بالولايات المتحدة لكونها القوة العظمى الوحيدة على الساحة الدولية، وتجلى ذلك في رفض واشنطن الانضمام لعديد من الاتفاقيات الدولية، أو الانسحاب من عدد منها.

ولذلك فإن فهم هذه التغيرات في السلوك الأمريكي في العالم والتغيرات التي تطرأ على استراتيجيات توجيه الدفة العالمية مهم لاستيعاب الحقائق والأحداث السياسية استيعاباً شاملاً عميقاً ومعرفة إلى أي الاتجاهات تتمدد. أولاً: معنى الاستراتيجية. Al Moqatel - موضوعات سياسية عسكرية. Fourth Way. According to this system, the chief difference between the three traditional schools, or ways, and the fourth way is that "they are permanent forms which have survived throughout history mostly unchanged, and are based on religion. Where schools of yogis, monks or fakirs exist, they are barely distinguishable from religious schools. The fourth way differs in that it is not a permanent way. It has no specific forms or institutions and comes and goes controlled by some particular laws of its own. " It always has some work of a specific import, and is never without some task around which and in connection with which it can alone exist.

The Fourth Way mainly addresses the question of people's place in the Universe, their possibilities for inner development, and transcending the body to achieve a higher state of consciousness. Overview[edit] Three ways[edit] Gurdjieff taught that traditional paths to spiritual enlightenment followed one of three ways: The Way of the fakir The Way of the monk. This site is blocked. Everything Is Pointless: The God Part of the Brain. Essenes. Jewish sect during the Second Temple period The Essenes (; Hebrew: אִסִּיִים‎, Isiyim; Greek: Ἐσσηνοί, Ἐσσαῖοι, or Ὀσσαῖοι, Essenoi, Essaioi, Ossaioi) were a mystic Jewish sect during the Second Temple period that flourished from the 2nd century BCE to the 1st century CE.[1] The Essenes have gained fame in modern times as a result of the discovery of an extensive group of religious documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are commonly believed to be the Essenes' library.

These documents preserve multiple copies of parts of the Hebrew Bible untouched from possibly as early as 300 BCE until their discovery in 1946. Pliny, also a geographer, located them in the desert near the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.[5] There were multiple minor subsects of the Essenes, including the Hemerobaptists, Bana'im and disputedly the Maghāriya.[6] Etymology[edit] Flavius Josephus in Chapter 8 of "The Jewish War" states: Location[edit] Comparison[edit] Hieronymus_Bosch_-_The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_-_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_(Ecclesia's_Paradise).jpg (JPEG Image, 878 × 969 pixels) Unexplained Mysteries - Paranormal Phenomena and the World's Greatest Unexplained Mysteries. Increase your astral projection skills [merged] Originally some tips I wrote to a guy who pm'ed me, but I think it may come in handy for other people as well so I'm posting what I told him here: To get to the basics first: Don't try to astral project at night or when you are very tired, as this most certainly will lead you to black out / fall asleep instead of having a successful projection. Are you doing it in the night? If so this is probably the reason. The best time of day to astral project is in the morning just when you've waked up, or in the middle of day or afternoon / evening. The night is usually the worst time to try as your body and mind is too tired then. Morning is usually the best of them all, as your mind and body is rested, and already in a close state to astral projection from just having slept, so if you just lay still and try to project then this can be successful. Here is a couple methods you may want to try out: 1. 2.The "Stay awake" method:Here you simply go to bed when you are tired and have your eyes open. 3.

Pineal Gland awakening ? Hello Everyone.This is my first post on your forums. Last year, on a few occasions, I have had experiences that i could not explain. After some research I stumbled upon this forum and the source of my experience, the 'pineal gland'. I will try to explain them to my best ability.They occured while I was extremely relaxed, in a deep sleep. While sleeping, i felt great pressure on my body as well as the center of my brain. As I Woke up i could not control my body. Although I was semi-asleep I felt a floating sensation. This experience greatly frightened me, so I fought the sensation in order to regain the control of my body. About 3 weeks ago I have taken up Qi-Gong/Chi-Gong. Did anyone have such an experience or know the cause what could have triggered it. Sorry for such a long post, but I'm very very curious. Thank You in advance. Nick. الجنس البشري في صورة جديدة ومفاجئة. Enlightenment Experiences | Free Online Kundalini Yoga Poses and Exercises.

Higher Consciousness From time to time I share my experiences of altered states of consciousness and encounters with higher consciousness, as I hope these are a source of inspiration and insight for you. More often than not, such shifts in consciousness occur late at night and my experiences from yesterday, which are detailed below, were no exception.

For those who wonder if married life obstructs one’s spiritual growth, they should take heart from these accounts of altered states of consciousness as I am like Al Bundy, married with children . In fact, last evening I cuddled up with my two boys to help put them to sleep before retiring and getting some alone time to spend with my thoughts and Higher Consciousness. This is a preview of 3 Tips for Inducing Altered States of Consciousness. Leave a comment... (4) The Philosophy Behind the Writing of PIHKAL. The following is an excerpt from PIHKAL, an autobiographical "chemical love story" from master chemist "Sasha" Shulgin published this summer. Despite its exotic ring, the title is really an acronym for for Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved.

With this publication, Shulgin breaks his long public silence and provides perhaps the most passionate defense of psychedelics to date. I am a pharmacologist and a chemist. I have spent most of my adult life investigating the action of drugs: how they are discovered, what they are, what they do, how they can be helpful -- or harmful. But my interests lie somewhat outside the mainstream of pharmacology. The area I have found most fascinating and rewarding is that of the psychedelic drugs. Psychedelics might best be defined as physically non-addictive compounds which temporarily alter the state of one's consciousness. Let me give the reasons for my belief. Every drug, legal or illegal, provides some reward.

I have tried heroin. Kundalini Awakening Symptoms. Yoga_lady_clipart_124x144.gif (GIF Image, 124 × 144 pixels) الرسالة الأميركية تساهم في تهدئة التوتر حول مضيق "هرمز"

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