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When Einstein wrote to Gandhi. In 1931, Albert Einstein wrote the following short letter of admiration to another of the world's greatest minds, Mohandas Gandhi. Despite their intentions, the pair never met in person. Einstein can also be heard speaking of Gandhi in the above clip — an excerpt from an interview recorded in 1950, two years after Gandhi's death. Transcript and translation follow, as does the text of Gandhi's reply. Egypt protests: Christians join hands to protect Muslims as they pray during Cairo protests. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 17:46 GMT, 3 February 2011 Striking photos of unity have emerged from the chaos in Egypt as Christian protesters stood together to protect Muslims as they prayed.

Egypt protests: Christians join hands to protect Muslims as they pray during Cairo protests

A group of Christians joined hands and faced out surrounding hundreds of Muslims protesters left vulnerable as they knelt in prayer. I Love It When You’re In The Buying Mood (A Letter Written By a Billionaire) Mohamed mahmoud. Overview and HistoryEgypt has over one hundred pyramids, and the most famous are the ones just outside Cairo at Giza.

mohamed mahmoud

Here's a look at the pyramids of Kheops and Khafren and... don't tell anybody... The Sphinx. Cairo is the largest city in Africa and the capital of Egypt. It is also known as "Paris on the Nile", "the City of a Thousand Minarets" and "the Triumphant City".Cairo was originally settled in Paleolithic times.