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Jilted flies drown their sorrows with alcohol - life - 15 March 2012. Video: Sex-deprived flies turn to alcohol It's one of the oldest romantic clichés: a heartbroken, jilted man slumped over a stiff drink in a seedy bar. A new study shows that rejected male fruit flies behave in essentially the same way – they drink far more than do lucky flies that had their amorous advances reciprocated. The research also reveals why. It is because alcohol has a similar effect as sex, boosting concentrations in the brain of a reward chemical called neuropeptide F (NPF). Levels of this chemical drop following rejection, so seeking solace in drink has a real impact by restoring normal concentrations. Humans and other mammals make a corresponding chemical in the brain called neuropeptide Y (NPY), and abnormally low levels of it have previously been linked with depression and eating disorders.

Talk to the hand Ulrike Heberlein and Galit Shohat-Ophir at the University of California, San Francisco, put male and female fruit flies together in dishes (see video, above). The oi.... Kony2012 Project. Einstein-Genius-Quote.jpg (JPEG resim, 550 × 374 piksel)