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Floreio Beginner's Workout (Ido Portal) The Floreio Project. Gymnastic bodies vs Ido portal method - Community - GymnasticBodies. KingJR, on 13 Oct 2013 - 7:16 PM, said: Don't gymnasts train 2x a day , for a total of 2-4 hours every day?

Gymnastic bodies vs Ido portal method - Community - GymnasticBodies

What we have here on GB ( or what I view it as anyway ) is the scaled down version for us "normal" folks who have jobs and lives that may not permit us to put in such insane amounts of time into our training. If you look at most of Ido's clients, they seem to be trainers or people who make a living in the fitness/sports industries. People who can afford to spend 4-6 hours a day, 5-6 days a week into training.

What we have here on GB is purely the strength and conditioning protocols and progressions used by Coach Sommer to produce outstanding athletes, minus the technical gymnastics skill training (which is where the whole 'Coach' part comes in). Combine with the athletic pursuit of your choice (gymnastics, cirque, martial arts, whatever) for results par excellence. Ido Portal Method (or any beginning method) - Bodyweight Strength Training - Nerd Fitness Rebellion. Structured and step by step will work for beginners, but to even approach Ido's level a much more freeform plan is required, as progression is more pyramidal than linear beyond the beginner stage, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another.

Ido Portal Method (or any beginning method) - Bodyweight Strength Training - Nerd Fitness Rebellion

Start out working full body; a push exercise, a pull exercise, a leg exercise, and a core exercise. Start with one of each (3-5 sets), as you gain more exercise capacity, move to 2 of each. First things first exercise-wise, get yourself to 10 chinups, 20 pushups, and 30 BW squats (each in a single set). That will provide you with a general base of strength to work on more advanced things from. waldo currently bulking. The Ido Portal Data Sheet: Multi-Talented and Inspiring Movement Teacher. Instead of a TL;DR, I'll just put this at the top, why should you explore the below info more?

The Ido Portal Data Sheet: Multi-Talented and Inspiring Movement Teacher

Many people can see benefits for fixing/preventing injuries, improving multi-functional strength, flexibility and mobility, as well as opening themselves up to fun and challenging new ways of training. There is a lot of interesting stuff here about physical culture, martial arts, and fitness philosophies from around the world. Also, I'd be interested in hearing from any members who have done Ido's online coaching, attended one of his workshops, or have tried some of his workouts. This Data Sheet has been a long time coming after multiple requests, and while it went through various revisions, I'm satisfied enough to finally post it now. Recommended Reading - Community - GymnasticBodies. Although there have been some posts on books and articles to read there is not any specific one and they are mostly lost down the forum.

Recommended Reading - Community - GymnasticBodies

Pushing the RESET button.. My experience with Ido Portal. Caveman Strong. Pushing the RESET button… AGAIN.

Pushing the RESET button.. My experience with Ido Portal. Caveman Strong

My experience with Ido Portal. For those of you unaware.. I personally have always sought out a teacher or coach who can: 1. Make me a better Coach 2. There are so many ‘Coaches’ or ‘Trainers’ out there that simply become ‘fossilized’.. To actually think you ‘know it all’ makes you the dumbbest person in the world. Growth is Life. We all get caught ‘going through the motions’, simply doing this or that, being busy, not making time for ourselves, getting frustrated with our lack of progress, etc.. Ido's Blog: Basic training.

Today, back to the basics, and lots of mobility!

Ido's Blog: Basic training

Floreio Basic Workout - beginner Warm Up - MobilityA1. 5 min jump ropeA2. Wrists Routine X 1 setA3. Ido's Squat Clinic Routine X 1 setA4. Shoulder ROM and Stabilization routine X 1 setA5. Singular Movement PolishB1. Extra Mobility Cool DownF1. A tale of two fitness methods, Movnat and Ido Portal - Motus. The most promising trend I see in the fitness industry today is a focus on absolute, pure human movement.

A tale of two fitness methods, Movnat and Ido Portal - Motus

And it makes perfect sense because movement is what we train for. Ido Portal reminded me of this recently in his interview with Jeff Kuhland from Athletic Human. That we spend so much time training in the gym for a bigger bench or bigger squat that we forget the whole point of fitness in the first place. For the weight loss crowd, you might spend hours out of your week doing HIIT training, bootcamp in the park, Zumba, whatever it may be. It’s easy to think that one day you’ll be ‘fit.’ I’ll tell you what I think it is – it’s to maintain a high quality of life by moving your body.

But we have become so distant from this disposition that we think we have to allow time to move. There are two fitness philosophies I’d like to highlight in this post. Proceed at your own risk, these methods may change the way you view fitness – for the better! Basics of The Ido Portal Training Method. Ido Portal is everywhere on the internet these days.

Basics of The Ido Portal Training Method

There is no shortage of Ido Portal movement videos on YouTube and commentary from bloggers and podcasters regarding his views on the health and wellness industry. [I do not speak for Ido Portal in any way. Ido’s his own man with his own ideas. Anything that I write or discuss on this blog is my interpretation his published information on his social media page, his old blog and other information that continues to surface and circulate around the internet.]