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Photoshop tutorials

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How To Create Outstanding Modern Infographics. In this tutorial you will learn that data doesn't have to be boring, it can be beautiful! Learn how to use various graph tools, illustration techniques and typography to make an accurate and inspiring infographic in Adobe Illustrator. Start by using the Rectangle Tool (M) to draw a shape. Give it a subtle radial gradient too. The entire design is based on a grid of four columns. To make the columns first select the rectangle and drag a guide onto the centre of the shape. Drag guides onto the left and right edges of the shape too. Tip: Quickly show the ruler by pressing Command-R. Condense the shape so it fits within the left-most guide and centre guide.

Move the shape over to the right and add another guide to the centre here. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw a thin white box on the centre line that will be the width of the gap between the columns. Repeat the process for the other columns with your final result being below. Give the circles a variety of gradients. That's it! Tutoriel pour Illustrator : Illustration 3d isométrique | Living Tuts : Tutoriels de qualité pour apprendre Photoshop, le webdesign, le développement web, le digital painting, etc...

Tresadenn (Philippe Cam) présente via deux vidéos HD le processus à suivre pour réaliser des illustrations en 3d iso facilement. Le niveau de la vidéo « Les bases » est débutant. La vidéo « Mise en application » requiert un niveau intermédiaire. Les novices peuvent visualiser plusieurs fois la vidéo Les bases, ou poser leurs questions dans la partie dédiée en bas de page, avant d’entamer la seconde vidéo « Mise en application ». Au travers de techniques simples utilisant les styles graphiques, les repères commentés et les options 3d, vous suivrez dans la vidéo Les bases la construction de volumes simples et la configuration de paramètres sur Illustrator qui vous aideront plus tard. Le contenu de la vidéo « Mise en application », vous montrera comment utiliser ces volumes efficacement pour créer une mini-illustration didactique.

NB : Les fichiers sources et les vidéos sont téléchargeables via le bouton « Download source files » au début du tutoriel. Qu’est-ce que la 3d isométrique ? I. 1. Design a Simple Textured Typographic Poster in Photoshop. In this Photoshop tutorial, I will demonstrate how to design a simple, textured and clean typographic poster. Following the steps in this tutorial, you will find techniques for creating a beautiful textured background and working with type in Photoshop.

Preview Click on the image below to see the final result in full scale. Tutorial Resources Step 1: Create the Photoshop Document Let’s start by creating a new document. Note: If your work will be printed, you’ll need a high resolution (at least 300dpi) and you should use CMYK color mode. Step 2: Create the Blue Gradient Background Double-click on the Background layer to unlock it. Now create the gradient from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the canvas. Right-click on the layer and select Blending Options from the contextual menu that appears; this is one way of accessing the Layer Styles dialog window. Create a new layer (Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + N) and then name it "Blue". Step 3: Add Texture to the Blue Background Tutorial Summary. Web Design Blog - Webdesigner Depot. Tutoriels Photoshop: des effets de lumière à couper le souffle !, tout sur !

Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop. Our last Wallpaper of the Week was an image I had created using Pixelmator, and I really liked the outcome. The best part about it was that it was pretty easy to accomplish in Pixelmator, but I decided for perspective's sake to create the same effect in Photoshop. The process is easy as well, but with a few extra steps. As in the previous tutorial, I will show you how to create a digital bokeh effect, but this time in Photoshop. The process is very easy and we will be using the super powerful Brush Engine, one of the coolest things in Photoshop. Step 1 Create a new document in Photoshop. Step 2 Select the Ellipse Tool (U), and create a circle. Step 3 Select the ellipse and go to Edit>Define Brush. Step 4 Go to Window>Brushes (F5). Step 5 Before we start painting our bokehs let's create a new layer and fill it with a colorful gradient. Step 6 Let's create a new Folder in our Layer Palette. Step 7 Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur.

Step 8 Create another layer and paint more brushes. Step 9 Conclusion.