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Novamont S.p.A. - Chimica Vivente per la Qualità della Vita - Home. Tutti gli aggiornamenti. Mater-Bi (materbi) su Twitter... Mater-Bi. Welcome to Novamont Channel. "Infographic - Bioplastics: a case study of Bioeconomy in Italy" shows the Italian case study in the promotion of a new model of economic development focused on the creation of integrated supply chains, the start-up of biorefineries and the diffusion of separate waste collection systems connected with the use of biodegradable and compostable bioplastics.

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The video focuses on the pioneering role of Italy in adopting a law to reduce the use of disposable bags, which led to positive environmental, economic and social impacts. The infographic tells, in a simple and effective way, the Italian experience in the field of bioeconomy described also in the volume promoted by Kyoto Club "Bioplastics: a case study of the bio-economy in Italy", edited by Walter Ganapini and published by Edizioni Ambiente, with the support of the Italian Ministry of the Environment.

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