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Youtube. How Quantel’s Paintbox Revolutionized TV Graphics 40 Years Ago. At the 1981 NAB Show, U.K.

How Quantel’s Paintbox Revolutionized TV Graphics 40 Years Ago

-based company Quantel launched the $250,000 DPB-7001 Digital Paint Box, quickly referred to as simply “Paintbox,” with The Weather Channel its first customer. The machine revolutionized television graphics, helped kickstart the 1980s TV post-production industry, influenced fashion and heralded the start of the “Photoshop Era.” 5 Artificial Intelligence Applications for Editorial Post Teams. Artificial intelligence applications in video post production come in many flavors: automatic transcription and metadata entry, speeding up lengthy color correction and VFX processes, and so much more.

5 Artificial Intelligence Applications for Editorial Post Teams

Fears of computational overreach, though, have become common in film and TV. Usually, these worries are a reaction to news of studios using performance prediction algorithms to make decisions about which films or TV series get made. These fears are overblown—at least where film and TV post production is concerned. We are in no danger of artificial intelligence replacing the most vital post-production creative processes.

Jpeg xs faq pub 2 1003a en. Distributed Production Is the New Norm. Now About Those Lingering Questions... - NAB Amplify. The production ecology has definitely shifted from on-premises to remote in the space of 18 months.

Distributed Production Is the New Norm. Now About Those Lingering Questions... - NAB Amplify

Distributed workflows for live events in particular are the new norm. Avid’s contention is that production environments have also relocated irreversibly to the cloud. The basis of its technology is Edit on Demand, the company’s first SaaS offering for turn-key editorial in the cloud. This allows users to add capacity quickly on a pay-as-you-go basis, taking advantage of the elasticity and scalability of the cloud for allowing distributed teams to work on the same project from anywhere there is an internet connection. Doit-on craindre les ransomwares et la cybercriminalité ? Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. EXPLICATIF: Interoperable Master Format (IMF) – IMF UG. Distributed ProEnvir Whitepaper. Hedge joins the Netflix Post Technology Alliance.

This week marks an important milestone for our industry: Netflix's Post Technology Alliance program has added a category for data management.

Hedge joins the Netflix Post Technology Alliance

Meet Production Data Management. As this is an alliance, the program isn't just about recommending hardware or software for use; it's about driving innovation and efficiency. In the Production Data Management field, dominated by a handful of players, there is no such thing as an "industry standard". With the Post Technology Alliance in place, we now have a set of ground rules which should lead to preventing both congruence bias and confirmation bias when new technologies are born.

These ground rules enforce interoperability, and that should make it easier for competition to enter the field — to foster innovation. "La pellicule, avenir du stockage numérique" Youtube. 8K Video is Already Here and Has Been Since 2005. Several images straight from the 8K Theater by NHK Japan which debuted at SXSW 2018.

8K Video is Already Here and Has Been Since 2005

[Click to Enlarge] 8K video is coming right? Nope. It’s already here and has been since 2005 when 8K video was first screened at the EXPO 2005 in Japan. NHK revealed their new 8K Theater at SXSW 2018 and VashiVisuals was there to experience the first screening. The History and Science of Timecode. The timeline of timecode is more epic thank you think.

The History and Science of Timecode

Filmmaking in the digital age has simplified once arcane tasks into plug-and-play automation. Certain functions are so ingrained in film technology they are often taken for granted. Timecode is the perfect example. That rectangle of ticking numbers is just the tip of a century-long evolutionary iceberg which parallels the technological narrative of cinema itself. DejaEdit – DejaSoft. Implementation We will help you implement DejaEdit in the best way possible in your current workflow.

DejaEdit – DejaSoft

At the start of each project we will be in touch with you and your editors, to provide training and answer questions via a video conference. Setup The setup is easy and only takes 2 minutes. Star Wars Sound Design Explained by Ben Burtt. Dive into the interstellar sound world of Star Wars with sound designer Ben Burtt.

Star Wars Sound Design Explained by Ben Burtt

INDEPTH Sound Design, created by Mike James Gallagher, stores an abundance of sound design deconstructions and aural inspiration. The most recent video from INDEPTH concludes the sound effects analysis of the entire original Star Wars Trilogy, with the final 1983 film, Return of the Jedi. The 40 minute video features Academy Award®-winning sound designer Ben Burtt (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, E.T., WALL-E) going through the creation of unique sounds for the iconic scenes, creatures, & technology of Star Wars. Features - Instantly Sync Sound to Video - Audio Design Desk. Got Sync?

Features - Instantly Sync Sound to Video - Audio Design Desk

Timing Is Everything Audio Design Desk builds on the idea that every sound has a place where it is meant to sync with video. A rise crescendo’s toward the end, a hit’s impact is toward the beginning, a transition resonates in the middle, a door closing connects on its SLAM. Audio Design Desk sounds know the location of this sync point, so when you trigger a sound it is always placed precisely in the right spot.

Netflixtechblog. In December 2016, we introduced AVCHi-Mobile and VP9-Mobile encodes for downloads.


For these mobile encodes, several changes led to improved compression performance over per-title encodes, including longer GOPs, flexible encoder settings and per-chunk optimization. These streams serve as our high quality baseline for H.264/AVC and VP9 encoding with traditional rate control settings. The graph below (Fig. 3) demonstrates how the combination of Dynamic Optimization with shot-based encoding further improves compression efficiency. We plot the bitrate-VMAF curves of our new optimized encodes, referred to as VP9-Opt and AVCHi-Opt, compared to. Index. Netflixtechblog. By Jeff Shapiro, Piya Wadia, Andy Jones, Mike Schmueck, Peter Sauvey, Tom Wild, Kyle Spiker At Netflix, we want to entertain our global membership with series and films from around the world.

In line with that, we’re excited to announce NetFX, a cloud-based platform that will make it easier for vendors, artists and creators to connect and collaborate on visual effects (VFX) for our titles. Visual effects are in almost all of our features and series, ranging from the creation of complex creatures and environments to the removal of objects and backgrounds. NetFX is a cutting-edge platform which will provide collaborators frictionless access to infrastructure to meet Netflix’s demand for VFX services around the world as our library of original content continues to grow.

The platform will connect vendors, artists and creators from diverse backgrounds and experiences to collaborate creatively on our wide range of global content. It goes to 12K. You probably know the sketch from Spinal Tap ? Where Nigel Tufnal, lead guitarist of Spinal Tap shows off his specially made Marshall guitar amp where all the dials go to 11 ? You may then have had a similar reaction to me when I heard that Blackmagic Design were planning to make a camera that could record 12K files.

My first reaction was wow. Quickly followed by the thoughts…. How VFX and animation studios are using virtual workstations today - befores & afters. Untold Studios, Tangent Animation, and Hive VFX among those embracing new ways to produce content. Anyone familiar with the visual effects (VFX) and animation industries is well-aware that compute power is an essential part of the digital artistic process. Historically, studios had to fork over a serious chunk of change to purchase the machines needed to create, render and store content.

The associated costs of this sizable investment made it difficult for studios to get started, and also forced them to make decisions about hardware without knowing what kind of projects it would be used for (and manage on-going maintenance costs). DPX files: Delight or dilemma? “What are these huge files you’ve sent me? My editor says he can’t open them…” So, let’s get this out of the way first. The technical stuff. Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) is a lossless file format for digital intermediate and visual effects, and is the most commonly chosen format worldwide for still frame storage in most digital intermediate post production facilities and film labs. Youtube. Youtube. Youtube. The Ultimate Guide to Productions: Premiere Pro's Most Underrated New Feature. Skip to content The Ultimate Guide to Productions: Premiere Pro’s Most Underrated New Feature When I saw a demo of Premiere Pro’s Productions at Sundance last January, I knew it was a game changer.

Simply put, Productions offers a brand-new collaborative workflow via shared storage. «Plus Belle la vie» : un épisode recourt au «deepfake» - Le Parisien. Youtube. How to Choose the Right System for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects - Creative COW. Comment conserver les œuvres numériques malgré l’obsolescence technologique ? Youtube. The Easiest Way to Rotoscope in 2021. What the Heck Is (n)K Resolution?