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Nudge your eating habits with the help of Wansink’s expertise. L'effet rebond: quand économiser l'énergie nous fait consommer plus. Britain’s Ministry of Nudges - Le Nudge : Comment la théorie du coup de coude a pris un méchant coup de pied. La pensée économique a connu une profonde révolution depuis les travaux du prix Nobel Daniel Khaneman sur l’économie comportementale.

Le Nudge : Comment la théorie du coup de coude a pris un méchant coup de pied

En gros, le modèle traditionnel de l’agent rationnel qui effectue ses choix dans l’optique de maximiser ses profits est dépassé. Les économistes ont découvert que, loin d’être de purs esprits, nous possédons des « biais cognitifs », des réflexes conditionnés innés qui influencent inconsciemment notre comportement. Or, ces derniers sont bien plus importants dans nos décisions que la réflexion rationnelle. Restait à transformer cette théorie en un système de politique publique. Nudge : comment diriger les masses. Richard THALER, enseignant à l'université de Chicago, est le coauteur d'un livre à succès "Nudge" qui influence nombre de managers et d'hommes politiques Sous titré "La méthode douce pour inspirer la bonne décision" THALER développe le concept de "paternalisme libertaire" : amener les individus à prendre des décisions dans l'intérêt général (c'est quoi l'intérêt général ?)

Nudge : comment diriger les masses

Et/ou pour leur bien-être (décidé par qui ?) When is a nudge enough? Yesterday I was asked to comment on some comments on nudge, smoking and the Big Gulp Ban made by philosopher Sarah Conly as part of an interview pertaining to her new book Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism as well as her recent NY Times Op Ed titled Three Cheers for the Nanny State.

When is a nudge enough?

The book itself I couldn’t comment on, since I have yet to read it, but I thought some of my comments on “when a nudge is enough”, which will appear in the Danish newspaper Politiken on Sunday, would be of general interest. Is behavioural science an argument for paternalism? In ‘Three Cheers for the Nanny State’ Conly argues that behavioural insights gained in the fields of behavioural economics and cognitive psychology, explicitly the work of Daniel Kahneman, call for hard or ‘coercive paternalism’. Obviously this differs somewhat from the well-known conclusion of Thaler and Sunstein who find the same insights to call for Libertarian Paternalism. The ‘Big Gulp Ban’ - a nudge or not? Is NY’s Big Gulp Ban a nudge?

The ‘Big Gulp Ban’ - a nudge or not?

It turns out it is both a nudge and a ban. This piece unravels the many layers of the matter and the surrounding discussion. This summer NY mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested banning the sale of super-sized sodas and other sugary drinks more than 16 ounces at venues across the city of New York, including restaurants, movie theaters, and street carts. The ban does not apply to diet sodas, fruit juices, dairy drinks, or alcoholic beverages. How American Banks Undermined the Power of Defaults. Changing the default is one of the most efficient and powerful ways to nudge in the choice architect’s tool-kit.

How American Banks Undermined the Power of Defaults

But how did American banks succeed in undermining mandated defaults introduced to protect their customers? And what does it tell us about the power of defaults. In Nudge Thaler and Sunstein lauds defaults as one of the most efficient and powerful ways to nudge in the choice architects tool-kit. In short, defaults are said to be “sticky”. The “stickiness” means that more people than we would expect from a rationalistic standpoint will tend to stick to the default option. Trying to Take the Sting Out of a Price Increase. Photo At the last She Owns It Business Group meeting, the owners talked about several pricing issues.

Trying to Take the Sting Out of a Price Increase

Susan Parker, who owns Bari Jay, recently discovered that customers react not only to a price increase but also to the way it is presented. How To ‘Nudge’ Positive User Behavior: A Simple Experiment With Our Cloud Control Panel Login Screen. I just finished a thought provoking book on behavioral psychology: Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.

How To ‘Nudge’ Positive User Behavior: A Simple Experiment With Our Cloud Control Panel Login Screen

The gist of the book is how institutions and individuals can “nudge” people to make better/improved choices without being paternalistic or sales driven. Retailers and websites have applied the concepts showcased in Nudge for many years. We decided to take what we learned from the book and conduct a simple product experiment. Here’s our little experiment. Information technology amplifies irrational group behaviour. 11 April 2013 Information technology Web tools and social media are our key sources of information when we make decisions as citizens and consumers.

Information technology amplifies irrational group behaviour

But these information technologies can mislead us by magnifying social processes that distort facts and make us act contrary to our own interests – such as buying property at wildly inflated prices because we are led to believe that everybody else is. New research from the University of Copenhagen, which has just been published in the journal Metaphilosophy, combines formal philosophy, social psychology, and decision theory to understand and tackle these phenomena. How the Internet (and sex) amplifies irrational group behavior. (Credit: New Line Home Video) New research from the University of Copenhagen combines formal philosophy, social psychology, and decision theory to understand and tackle these phenomena.

How the Internet (and sex) amplifies irrational group behavior

“Group behavior that encourages us to make decisions based on false beliefs has always existed. However, with the advent of the Internet and social media, this kind of behavior is more likely to occur than ever, and on a much larger scale, with possibly severe consequences for the democratic institutions underpinning the information societies we live in,” says professor of philosophy Vincent F. Hendricks at the University of Copenhagen. He and fellow researchers Pelle G. Ways to Nudge Employees Toward Better Health. Posted by L&T Health and Fitness on 09 Apr 2013 / 0 Comment No matter how much time and money companies invest in health and wellness programs for their employees, the effort will be lost on those employees who are not motivated to participate.

Ways to Nudge Employees Toward Better Health

One of the most effective ways to engage reluctant or indifferent is through the applied use of “behavioral economics” to gently nudge their decision-making in healthy directions. As published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, research led by a group of top universities has shown how cognitive, emotional, social, and psychological factors can influence participation in health initiatives. Behavioral economics has been established as a field of study in commercial purchasing decisions, and now the same principles are being found applicable in the worlds of healthcare and fitness. Just by employing some seemingly simple measures to encourage commitment and inspire action, behavioral economics can yield significant results. La cascade informationnelle, soupçonnée de jouer sur nos prises de décisions. La multiplicité des contenus proposés en ligne pourrait avoir tendance à donner envie aux individus de se rapprocher de personnes les ressemblant, et d'agir de la même façon.

La liberté de choix des consommateurs serait-elle déformée par l'importance qu'ont pris les technologies de l'information dans la vie de tous les jours ? C'est en tout cas ce qu'affirme dans la revue Metaphilosophy, V.F. New article from us: Nudge and the manipulation of choice. We are happy to announce that our article ‘Nudge and The Manipulation of Choice’ has just been published in the European Journal of Risk Regulation. We are happy to announce that our article: Nudge and the manipulation of choice: A Framework for the Responsible Use of the Nudge Approach to Behaviour Change in Public PolicyThe European Journal of Risk RegulationPelle G. Hansen & Andreas Maaløe Jespersen, pp. Vol. 4, #1, 2013. has just been published in The European Journal of Risk Regulation (EJRR). In the article we deal with the claim that nudges work through manipulation and thus are inappropriate as public tools for instigating behavioural change. The ‘Big Gulp Ban’ - a nudge or not?

Financial nudge: The classic example of “Save More Tomorrow” People struggle to save enough for retirement, but a redesign of the pension plan can help. “Save More Tomorrow” is the classic financial nudge. By intern Johannes Schuldt-Jensen Medical and socieconomic advances are rapidly extending our expected lifetime. This is of course positive news as most of us would like to live long healthy lives.

However, it presents certain challenges – one of which is pension savings. As the expected lifetime continues to increase, so does the amount of time we spend in retirement, and thus how much money we need to live out our old age, in relative security and comfort. According to the “life cycle hypothesis”, people will solve this problem by themselves. This might not be the case, though. Bureau virtuel de l'UNR Paca.

Quel avenir pour les Nudges en matière d’efficacité énergétique ? Le 8 janvier 2013 Eurostat, l’organisme de statistique de la Commission Européenne a publié un rapport sur l’énergie, les transports et l’environnement. Les données collectées révèlent qu’entre 2008 et 2010 la consommation électrique des ménages a augmenté de 5%, faisant de ce secteur le deuxième consommateur d’énergie en Europe (juste derrière les transports). Futuribles. Note de veille, 26 février 2013 Alors que les performances énergétiques n’ont cessé de progresser en France depuis les années 1970, la consommation électrique des particuliers a doublé. Case Feature: Nudging Adolescents into Registering Taxes.

Nudging in 1's and 0's: Nudging litter into the bin with digital technology. The green footsteps nudge has already proven that it’s possible to nudge litter into the bin, but what happens when we throw digital technology into the mix? By intern Michael Sundø A simple, low-tech solution like the green footsteps nudge is an effective way of nudging litter into the bin, but what happens if we throw digital technology into the mix? Can we make this type of nudging even more effective? This is the focus of my current thesis, which explores the ways in which merging nudging and digital technology can affect the use of bins on the streets of Copenhagen.

The original inspiration for the thesis came from the green footsteps nudge, but with a background in IT, I am interested in what digital technology can add to the formula. Does health nudge experiment on buffet arrangement. By simply re-arranging the buffet serving 500 CEO’s we increased the intake of fruit by 84% and cut the intake of brownies by 30%. Summary: During The Danish Executive Summit, a prestigious event for Danish CEO’s, iNudgeYou carried out several experiments in order to illustrate the potential of nudges.

One of these dealt with buffet arrangement and led to an 84% increase in the consumption of apples and a 30% decrease in the consumption of brownies by the 500 CEO’s. Food scientists from Aalborg University’s MENU group, a member of the Danish Nudging Network, were invited to observe the experiment. 'Nudge' can be ethical choice. Top 10 Mistakes in Behavior Change. Untitled. Design and human behaviour. 5 kitchen nudges to improve your health. Behavioral approaches to energy conservation pay off. The utility sector is being required to meet mandated targets for energy efficiency and demand response, while these targets often double over time. Traditionally, utilities have used various engineering-driven measures to meet these targets; e.g., offering customers compact fluorescent light bulbs or pricing programs with incentives.

These measures are straightforward to deploy and measure. Today it is widely recognized that the traditional approach will not be enough to meet escalating targets, creating a need for a more diversified resource portfolio. Nudging traffic: How to save lives in a hurry. Beware Stubby Glasses. Nudge or push? Voluntary vs legislative approaches to public health.

Sticking to our New Year’s resolutions. Copenhagen implements green footstep nudge. The municipality of Copenhagen implements the green footprints experiment large scale – 1.500 dustbins around the city Some of our previous posts have centred on just how effective visual markers can be, at least in an experimental settings – like the markers guiding you towards the stair instead of the escalator, or the green footprints leading to the trash can. Untitled. The Nudgy State - By Joshua E. Keating. Writing exercises help jobseekers find work, claims government's nudge unit. People Hate Losses and That Affects U.S. Budget Talks. When push comes to nudge – playing on behaviours to generate healthy action.


Behavior change. Four jobs doing behavioral economics in the UK government. How to Use Behavioral Design for Boosting Conversions (Using The Fogg Behavior Model) 9 Things to Know About Influencing Purchasing Decisions. 6 nudges to avoid adult binge drinking at X-mas. The Hindu Nudge? Economics and Psychology Research: Deciding by default: Lessons from behavioural economics. Behavioural Insights Team (Nudge Unit)

Holiday Shopping Tips From Behavioral Economists. Learn How To Increase Your Conversions From These 5 Consumer Psychology Studies. Bridging the Gap Between Behavioral Science and Health Care. Tendance économie comportementale : Le nudge. House of Lords - Behaviour Change - Science and Technology Committee.