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Study: The state of B2B and Social Media. Eloqua recently published the above infographic to highlight certain key elements of a study they conducted with B2B companies in regards to social media. We gloss through our share of data and infographics here at Tickr, but this one caught our eye for several reasons. The first is that it focuses on B2B, and that is always a plus in our book. Most of the studies being done on social business focus on B2C organizations, and folks who work in B2B tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to running into solid case studies and informative data about social business in B2B. So before we go any further, let’s give Eloqua a hand for doing this.

(And doing it well.) Second, the study doesn’t stick to just asking the usual questions. It manages to dig a little further than most and get to actionable insights. Even if that 23% number is accurate, it means that the trend towards operationalizing social media usage across the organization is moving in the right direction. 1. 2. 3. 4. It Will Be a Mobile, Visual, Interactive, and Personal 2013. We’re always looking for new ways to engage with candidates; we want to be first, and get there faster and more effectively. This year, we saw three key shifts in how job seekers consume career information that we foresee carrying over into the New Year. Trend #1: It’s All About Mobile Mobile is growing and becoming one of the primary ways to access information.

According to the International Telecommunication Union, there are 1.2 billion mobile web users worldwide, and 25 percent of Internet users access the web solely through their mobile devices. Companies that haven’t already responded to this trend will need to in 2013. Mobile initiatives for recruitment are the next frontier in catering to the candidate experience. Begin by creating a mobile enhanced career page that doesn’t require a viewer to scroll around, or zoom in and out to access the relevant information. Trend #2: Shift to Visual, Interactive Channels Recruiters should expect that candidates will be doing the same. Les 3 dernières études à découvrir   [Décryptage] Les 5 tendances du parcours client…. [France] 40% des équipés en smartphone, adeptes de la musique mobile…. [Acte d'achat] Facebook et Twitter loin derrière l’e-mail…. Zoom sur trois nouvelles études. [Décryptage] Les 5 tendances du parcours client Le cabinet GfK a récemment publié 5 tendances liées au parcours d’achat des consommateurs. Voici les principales conclusions : Jusqu’à un tiers des consommateurs consacre dorénavant du temps à la recherche online de produits d’achat courant. [France] 40% des équipés en smartphone, adeptes de la musique mobile Dans le cadre de la publication des chiffres de l’audience mobile au mois d’octobre, Médiamétrie souligne un net attrait pour les sites et applications de musique. En effet, près de 6M de mobinautes se sont connectés à une application ou à un site de la sous-catégorie musique sur cette période.

Par ailleurs au 3ème trimestre 2012 : Consultez ici le classement des sites et applications les plus visités sur la période. Social Media Report 2012.