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The Marketer's Guide to Pinterest SEO. Once viewed as a niche player in the social space, Pinterest has become one of the fastest growing social networks ever, harnessing both an increased user base and its exponential growth as a referring site to become a considerable force in the marketing world.

The Marketer's Guide to Pinterest SEO

Equally important for businesses to consider is the buying power behind Pinterest: Pinterest users purchase items more often and in greater quantities, spend more money, and shop more frequently than any other social network. So if your initial trial of using Pinterest for business has yielded positive results and you think Pinterest is a viable social media marketing platform for your business, you know what the next step is, right?

Optimization! To get you started, below we’ll outline 10 great tips to optimize your business' Pinterest presence for search. 1) Choose an Optimized Company Username Furthermore, be sure to verify your website. 2) Optimize Your Page's 'About' Section 3) Include Links Back to Your Website That's right! Should You Use Pinterest for B2B Marketing? Yes or No in 5 Minutes. As a Marketing Leader, you hear Pinterest in the news.

Should You Use Pinterest for B2B Marketing? Yes or No in 5 Minutes

The key question is should we be using Pinterest? Will it work for complex product/service offerings with 6+ month buying cycles? The answer rests with the target audience of your Ideal Customer Profile. Will your potential buyer consume content on Pinterest? To help you make a decision, let’s break it down below. This article is written to drive two potential outcomes: Help you identify a unique opportunity to leverage a targeted social platform to drive results.Provide you with a clear understanding that Pinterest isn’t for you. Why you should care - An Executive Summary of Pinterest Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media networks with a 15% share of the internet users (Twitter is at 16%). Pinterest , Not Just B2C B2C companies leveraging Pinterest have experienced tremendous success driving revenue.

Blog articles will have at least one picture. So does Pinterest have the right audience for your business? Key Takeaway: How to Schedule your Pins on Pinterest. So you’ve heard the buzz about Pinterest, set up your account and optimized your Pinterest page.

How to Schedule your Pins on Pinterest

Congratulations! But what now? If you’re like most people you’ve probably jumped straight into Pinterest and quickly discovered that pinning can take up an enormous amount of time. When I started using Pinterest to promote my business, at first I was happy to scour the Internet looking for cool photos as well as uploading images and blog posts from my own website.

But within a few days, I realized that unless I managed my Pinterest activities, I could end up spending hours each day pinning away. There is no doubt that Pinterest can be a phenomenal tool for both product and service-based businesses but you need to schedule your pinning effectively otherwise it can be a colossal time suck. Just think about it. Pinterest can be Distracting Not to mention the distraction that comes from gorging on all that stunning Pinterest eye candy. A Cool Pinterest Tool 8 Simple Steps to Schedule your Pins 1. 2.