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Js-test-driver - Remote javascript console. Quick Navigation Release 1.3.4-a First Release of 2012, 1.3.4-a: Bugs and Fixes: fixed the reset on syntax error bug. Better error reporting when --preloadFiles is passed in. Fixed issue 302 : The parameter --dryRunFor TestCase name does not work properly Fixed issue 145 : assets are served with content type "text/plain" (may be missing your exact content type. If so, file a new bug) Fixed capturing with more than 50 test cases with --preloadFiles Fixed --browserTimeout not being respected with the --browsers flag.

Features: --basePath and base_path now accept multiple base paths. News: We'll be moving to Git on Google Code in the next two weeks. Release 1.3.3d Release 1.3.3b Fixed issue 223 for the last time. Release 1.3.3a New test isolation plugin, documentation forthcoming: issue 272 Fix for issue 223 , which was real pain without a windows box Add test step description to expired callback error messages in the asynch tests.

QUnit - jQuery JavaScript Library. HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome. The benefits of automated unit testing. Introduction Writing software is very difficult. Writing bug-free software all the time is virtually impossible. There are many reasons why this is so; anyone who has written an untrivial piece of software knows how easily a human can miss a tiny detail, and how the slightest of omissions can cause a most spectacular crash, most likely at the most awkward moment. Unfortunately, the task of writing software promises to be no easier in the future.

While software technologies do advance, so does the complexity of the software we write. There is no magical trick in sight in the foreseeable future that would make writing bug-free software simple and straightforward. Still, not all hope is lost - there are some things we can do to substantially improve the quality of software we write.

Ad-hoc Testing The development of new features to a software product goes in phases. Using developer time for manual ad hoc testing is not a cost effective way of ensuring software quality. Quality Assurance. Metrics for Implementing Automated Software Testing. Click here to view the complete list of archived articles This article was originally published in the Fall 2009 issue of Methods & Tools Implementing Automated Software Testing - Continuously Track Progress and Adjust Accordingly Thom Garrett, Innovative Defense Technologies, This is an excerpt from the book "Implementing Automated Software Testing," by Elfriede Dustin, Thom Garrett, Bernie Gauf, Copyright Addison Wesley, 2009 "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and can express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.

" - Lord Kelvin Most of us have worked on at least one project where the best-laid plans went awry and at times there wasn’t just one reason we could point to that caused the failure. Success is measured based on achieving the goals we set out to accomplish relative to the expectations of our stakeholders and customers. The Art Of Unit Testing - Home. Writing Great Unit Tests: Best and Worst Practices « Steve Sanderson’s blog. This blog post is aimed at developers with at least a small amount of unit testing experience.

If you’ve never written a unit test, please read an introduction and have a go at it first. What’s the difference between a good unit test and a bad one? How do you learn how to write good unit tests? It’s far from obvious. Most of the unit tests I see are pretty unhelpful. Unit testing is not about finding bugs Now, I’m strongly in favour of unit testing, but only when you understand what role unit tests play within the Test Driven Development (TDD) process, and squash any misconception that unit tests have anything to do with testing for bugs. In my experience, unit tests are not an effective way to find bugs or detect regressions. So, if you’re trying to find bugs, it’s far more effective to actually run the whole application together as it will run in production, just like you naturally do when testing manually.

(Note: there’s one exception where unit tests do effectively detect bugs. Manager's Introduction to Test-Driven Development. Test first is fun! Posted by Philip Zembrod So the Test-Driven-Development and Extreme-Programming people tell you you should write your tests even before you write the actual code. "Now this is taking things a bit too far," you might think.

"To the extreme, even. Why would I want to do this? " In this post, I'll tell you my answer to this question. I now really do want to write my tests first...and here's why! After many years of writing code without using or writing unit tests, I took a colleague's advice and read Kent Beck's "Extreme Programming Explained. " The practice is: Write a failing test for each feature you plan to implement. Why write the test first? Writing tests firsts leads you to think about the interface first. Another way of seeing the same thing is to regard the test as a coded specification. These two aspects of unit tests are enough to make me feel excited about writing them first. Just a quick run-the-testcase, and I know how my code runs: green - good. Now, this fear is gone!