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Sexuality. Debate. Gallup. Vocation vs. Churchianity | Cranach: The Blog of Veith. The Evolution of the God Gene. The Economy of the Heart. I’m not a Christian anymore. Perhaps I got a raw deal when God was passing out churches—mine was shaken apart in my late teens by a pastor who got busted for sneaking a few hundred thousand out of the offering plate to buy Nazi war memorabilia, not to mention banging a few dozen women who came to him for marriage counseling—but I’ve made my peace with the Prince of it. One particularly Christian principle has apparently stuck with me over the years. It wasn’t until recently that I rediscovered it. (Not animal sacrifice, which I never abandoned.)

And whether Jesus of Nazareth existed as a real meat person or was the product of a coterie of desert sci-fi novelists, one thing he taught has been helping me a lot lately. It’s awfully nice to forgive. “Forgiveness is the economy of the heart…forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.” — Hannah More Even better, I think forgiveness has made me a more productive person. Okay, that’s a bad analogy. So I do. Islam Guide: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, Muslims, & the Quran.