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Mvc. Labs - Spry framework for Ajax. When Adobe first introduced Spry, our goal was to bring Ajax capabilities to the web design community, allowing designers to create web pages that provided a richer experience for the end user. As we know, however, the web evolves at a blistering pace. Over the last couple of years, frameworks such as JQuery have evolved to encompass many of the capabilities originally envisaged for Spry, making Spry as a standalone offering less relevant. As we can continue to focus our efforts in furthering the web, we have decided to no longer invest in the development of Spry. We do however recognize that for some designers it continues to provide value. Going forward, Adobe will continue to make contributions to JQuery UI, JQuery Mobile and other frameworks so as to help web designers create rich web and mobile experiences. Download Spry from Adobe GitHub account. Bootstrap, from Twitter.

Backbone.js. About ( Plone CMS: Open Source Content Management. Symfony Web PHP Framework.