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Keep My Opt-Outs. Elasticfox Firefox Extension for Amazon EC2 : Developer Tools. 1-Click YouTube Video Download. Firefox pledge map - pledges as a % of population. (sorry this post was initially messy – when you get off a transatlantic red-eye and have fifteen minutes to copy and paste in your post, things are bound to get ugly. It should be all cleaned up now) Mozilla kindly sent me a preliminary data set of download pledges. This data is about 2 days old but should still be more or less instructive.

I hope to get more up to date data soon and will update accordingly. According to the raw data the 20 countries where the most people – as a % of the population – pledged to download Firefox. Population figures are based on those available on Wikipedia. On the one hand it is no surprise that many of these – about half – are small island countries with populations under 100,000 people. But things get more interesting if we strip out the countries with populations under 500,000. Eastern Europe is clearly an emerging open source powerhouse. The more grim news is at the bottom of the list.

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